Girls make volleyball history
Eagles Jr. girls team wins Spike It! territorial volleyball tournament
Stewart Burnett
Northern News Services
Thursday, November 3, 2016
With a win over Yellowknife's St. Pat's in the finals of the Spike It! territorial tournament last weekend, Inuvik's junior girls Eagles team made history by bringing home East Three Secondary School's first volleyball banner.

Paris Wainman sets the ball during the Spike It! tournament in Yellowknife last weekend. The junior girls Eagles went on to win and bring home East Three School's first volleyball banner. - Walter Strong/NNSL photo
"First volleyball banner for Inuvik," said John Amos, who coached the junior boys team at the tournament. "First one in history. The girls made history with that banner."
Leesha Setzer, one of the players on the girls team, said she enjoyed the tournament and winning the banner.
"It was really fun (playing against) all the different teams in Yellowknife," she said.
Teammate Mataya Gillis agreed.
"I'm really thankful for everyone who put it together," she said.
The girls' coach, Twyla Amos, could not make the tournament due to personal reasons, but she stayed in contact with the players throughout. She said the team did a lot of preparation work, especially in regards to getting used to the rules for "triple ball" volleyball, which is where coaches toss in free balls after plays die.
"We did a lot of work on positioning," said Amos. "We did lots of work on passing, setting, spiking and service. The girls worked very hard at practice. I'm very proud of them."
This was her first year coaching volleyball.
"I (told the girls) regardless of what happens, you need to continue to remember what you're representing, stay positive, play hard, have fun."
Denise Ratius, a past volleyball coach, went in Amos's place during the trip.
"They played as a team," she said.
"The girls were really excited. We also had the junior boys team come out and cheer for us. It was just amazing. You could see the joy and the relief that the tournament was done. They were quite impressed with themselves because they worked so hard to get where they were at in the tournament."
Positive attitudes and teamwork were they keys to victory, she said.
"They kept encouraging each other. Twyla did a great job getting them prepared for the tournament."
John Amos said he was impressed with his junior boys too, even though they didn't win.
"Kids had fun," he said. "It was a good weekend."