RCMP search for missing man
Wilbert Andre was driving blue 2001 Dodge Caravan
Shane Magee
Northern News Services
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Police are asking the public for help in the search for a Yellowknife area man missing since Sunday evening.

Police are seeking the public's help in finding Wilbert Andre, who was last seen Sunday evening. |
Police on Tuesday released photos of 29-year-old Wilbert Andre and the vehicle he was driving.
RCMP were called around 5:40 p.m. that day and told Andre had left his home in a vehicle and there were concerns about his health, according to an RCMP news release.
Police stated he left without medication and little preparation for a long trip.
The area around his home was searched by police. The search then grew to roads in and around the city.
Police say he was briefly in contact at about 7:15 p.m. Sunday but has not been heard from since.
Andre is described as being of indigenous descent with black hair, brown eyes and a medium build.
He was driving a 2001 blue Dodge Caravan that had red front seat covers and Northwest Territories licence plate number 343002.
Anyone who spots a vehicle matching the description is encouraged to call RCMP.
Police state RCMP detachments along southbound highways have been alerted to look for Andre and the vehicle he was last seen driving.
Any information is asked to call Yellowknife RCMP at 669-1111 or anonymously through Crime Stoppers by calling 1-800-222-8477, online at nwtnutips.com or by texting NWTNUTIPS plus your message to 274637.