New champions at territorials
Rebecca's Rowdy Roses take down defending champs in nail-biter final
Sarah Ladik
Northern News Services
Thursday, July 7, 2016
After a close game and epic finish, Rebecca's Rowdy Roses have come out on top at the Women's Territorial Slo-Pitch Championships last weekend.

Joyce Blake hoists the territorial championship trophy after her team, Rebecca's Rowdy Roses, won July 3 at the Women's Territorial Slo-Pitch Championships. - Sarah Ladik/NNSL photo
"The past two years, we lost in the semi-finals," said captain Joyce Blake after the game July 3. "It took us three years, but we finally pulled through to the end."
The Roses took the title away from defending champions the Angels, 7-4, in the bottom of the seventh inning when Tehnille Gard hit a home run which allowed her team to score three runs. The game, however, was tied after almost every inning throughout, while fans cheered in the stands and truck horns were honked for the Angels after every run they scored and every out they made.
"They were always the team to beat," Blake said of the Angels. "When both teams are battling and we're all playing the game we love, it's extra special."
Blake credited all 12 players with the win, saying it felt amazing to finally finish on top after so many years of coming close in the tournament. She did, however, have a special note on the final game MVP.
"Tehnille was the best player on our team coming into this tournament, but she struggled earlier in the weekend," she said. "But to pull through like that in the final game? That makes up for the whole weekend."
Tawny Amos pitched for the Angels and said that while she was disappointed with the loss, the tournament was a success as a whole.
"I enjoyed it," she said. "There were good games, and this one was pretty close. We definitely worked hard."
The Angels' season is far from over. The team will be heading to Whitehorse this week for the Dustbowl, and then go to Whitehorse again in August to represent the territory at a national championship.
The Roses have won that right for 2017, although they don't know where the competition will take place yet.
"We'll have to fundraise for nationals, but it's going to be nice to see players from throughout the country," Blake said, adding that this win is dedicated to Rebecca Blake of LJ's Contracting, and to their fans.
"We're going to do our best so we can do what we love and play ball."