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Kivalliq's best
Complete award rundown from Kivalliq Regional Science Fair

Northern News Services
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Listed below are the winners of the major academic awards presented during the annual Kivalliq Regional Science Fair at Tusarvik School in Naujaat this past month.

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Ben Jr. Malliki of Naujaat is presented with the Kivalliq Regional Science Fair's winning trophy by Jim Kreuger, left, and Jenn Roop at Tusarvik School in Naujaat this past month. - photo courtesy of Kelsey Nickel

Top five projects:

No.1: Ben Jr. Malliki of Tusarvik School, Naujaat: Distracted Drivers

No.2: Veronica Uttak of Tusarvik School, Naujaat: How Cold affects Bacteria Growth

No.3: Hattie Pameolik and Amber Kadjuk of John Arnalukjuak High School, Arviat: Syphilis is on the Rise

No.4: Precious Maningas of Maani Ulujuk Ilinnarvik, Rankin Inlet: Methods of Preservation

No.5: (Tie) Susannah Mablik and Jennifer Tungilik of Tusarvik School, Naujaat: Which Has More Calories

Mallory Okatsiak and Meagan Tassiuk of John Arnalukjuak High School, Arviat: The Ugly Truth of Chewing Tobacco.

Special awards:

Sports Science Award:

Russel Suluk of Qitiqliq Middle School, Arviat: Common Soccer Injuries in Arviat

Oral Health Award:

Jan Kopak of Tusarvik School, Naujaat: What Stains our Teeth

Kinesiology Award:

Willie Kategatsiak and Deon Kuglugiak of Victor Sammurtok School, Chesterfield Inlet: Steroids

Physical Science Award:

Susie Nakoolak and Gail Gibbons of Sakku School, Coral Harbour: Density Experiment

Fluid Science Award:

Kayleen Emiktowt and Linda Ningeongan of Sakku School, Coral Harbour: Viscosity, Surface Tension and Temperature

Hydrology Award:

Benden Angotingoar of Tusarvik School, Naujaat: Ice Porosity

Environmental Science Award: Delilah Issaluk of Victor Sammurtok School, Chesterfield Inlet: Climate Changing

Kivalliq Nutrition Award: Susannah Mablik and Jennifer Tungilik of Tusarvik School, Naujaat: Which Has More Calories

Peridental Award:

Mallory Okatsiak and Meagan Tassiuk of John Arnalukjuak High School, Arviat: The Ugly Truth of Chewing Tobacco

Outstanding Communication Award (Reports):

Junior Division:

Janette Seeteenak and Meeka Aaruaq of Jonah Amitnaaq School, Baker Lake: To Buy or Not to Buy?

Intermediate Division: Kimberly Tanuyak of Victor Sammurtok School, Chesterfield Inlet: Nunavut Suicide Rates

Senior Division:

Suzanne Putulik of Tusarvik School, Naujaat: Chewing Gum and Concentration

Outstanding Interview Award:

Junior Division:

Claire Tookannchiak of Jonah Amitnaaq School, Baker Lake: Tomato Battery

Intermediate Division:

Precious Maningas of Maani Ulujuk Ilinniarvik, Rankin Inlet: Methods of Preservation

Senior Division:

Veronica Uttak of Tusarvik School, Naujaat: How Cold Affects Bacteria Growth

Impact Award Best Displays:

Junior Division:

Claire Tookannchiak of Jonah Amitnaaq School, Baker Lake: Tomato Battery

Intermediate Division:

Precious Maningas of Maani Ulujuk Ilinniarvik, Rankin Inlet: Methods of Preservation

Senior Division:

Hattie Pameolik and Amber Kadjuk of John Arnalukjuak High School, Arviat: Syphilis is on the Rise

Thomas Kudloo Award for Northern Relevancy:

Tiana Gordon of Maani Ulujuk Ilinniarvik, Rankin Inlet, Vitamin D Deficiency

Kivalliq Partners in Development Award for Outstanding Achievement:

Junior Division:

Magnus Pupik of Jonah Amitnaaq School, Baker Lake: Electrolyte Challenge

Areva Resources Award for Outstanding Achievement:

Intermediate Division:

Precious Maningas of Maani Ulujuk Ilinniarvik, Rankin Inlet: Methods of Preservation

AgnicoEagle Award for Outstanding Achievement:

Senior Division:

Ben Jr. Malliki of Tusarvik School, Naujaat: Distracted Drivers

Jim Kreuger Award for Most Outstanding

Project Overall:

Ben Jr. Malliki of Tusarvik School, Naujaat: Distracted Drivers

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