Hitting the slopes in Jasper
Trip highlights importance of social interaction for youth
April Hudson
Northern News Services
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Students at Chief Julian Yendo School in Wrigley got away from the regular school-year grind for a trip to the mountains.

Tyrone Lennie, left, hit the hill in Jasper, Alta., with his classmates Orrin Moses, Setia Antoine, Destiny Cli, Angel Moses and Hunter Clille. - photos courtesy of Blair Sellars
The field trip, which ran from Feb. 15 to 24, took them to Edmonton as well as Jasper, Alta., where they were given snowboarding lessons and had the chance to do some swimming.
Principal Blair Sellars said the trip is highly motivational for students and gives them an opportunity for social interaction outside the classroom.
"The kids look forward to it all year round ... and it's a good experience in many ways," he said.
"This is the fifth year we've done this. Our focus (in the past) has been on older students but this year we brought younger students."
Youth in Grade 6 and 7 joined Sellars and teacher Leona Sellars for the trip, as well as two volunteer chaperones, Pat Faye and Mark Phillips, who are officers with the RCMP.
Sellars said the school chose to bring younger students on the trip this year just so they would have the opportunity to experience it.
"Many of our older (students) have gone on this trip multiple times," he said.
"It provides interaction for them in a positive way ... Once they are provided with positive opportunities and experiences, we see that reflected in the classroom and academic results, consequently."
It also helps students to get along with each other better, he said.
Students spent three nights in Edmonton and three in Jasper. While most said snowboarding was their favourite part, they also took in an Oilers game.
Grade 6 student Orrin Moses said the hockey game was fun.
"The best part was when Connor McDavid scored," he said.
But nothing beat hitting Marmot Basin in Jasper.
"It was nice and warm, and there was a lot of snow on the hill," said Moses, who has snowboarded for the past three winters.
This was Moses' second time on the school trip.
While in Jasper, students received private snowboarding lessons from professionals at the hill.
"They all made huge improvements in their ability to snowboard," Sellars said.
Grade 6 student Hunter Clille, who was on the trip for his first time, said he has never been snowboarding before, although he has been involved in other winter sports including hockey.
"The hill was awesome. It was really big," he said.
"I really liked learning how to stop and (turn) on the board."
This was Grade 6 student Destiny Cli's fourth time on the field trip. She agreed snowboarding was the best part, and when asked which location she liked better -- Edmonton or Jasper -- there was no doubt in her mind.
"Jasper," she said.
Cli celebrated her birthday in Jasper, where she swam a bit as well.
"It was nice to get away for a bit ... and hang out with my friends," she said.
As for Grade 6 student Setia Antoine, who was on the trip for her second time, being able to do some swimming stood out as a highlight.
"I'm not really a big swimmer, but that was my favourite part," she said.
During the Edmonton portion of the trip, students took in the Telus World of Science, Galaxyland and saw Star Wars in IMAX 3D.