Feds make trip to Beaufort Delta
Trip part of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami's annual Inuit Arctic Tour
Kassina Ryder
Northern News Services
Monday, March 28, 2016
Federal government representatives travelled to Beaufort-Delta communities on March 15 and 16 as part of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami's annual Inuit Arctic Tour.

Jean Tessier, left, Peggy Jay, and Col. Martin Frank say a fond farewell at the airport after a week spent touring the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. - Sarah Ladik/NNSL photo |
"We were actually one of the communities selected as part of the tour to give them an idea of some of the remote communities first-hand," said Paulatuk mayor Ray Ruben Sr.
Representatives with various government departments participated in the trip, including Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Veterans Affairs, Health Canada and Natural Resources Canada, said Ruben Sr.
The delegation visited the community's health centre and toured Angik School where they participated in a question-and-answer session with students.
They also met with the local Hunters and Trappers Committee, representatives with the Paulatuk Community Corporation, representatives from the hamlet as well as Parks Canada officials to discuss the government's partnership with Paulatuk to manage Tuktut Nogait National Park.
"They really wanted to hear about our co-management group with the Tuktut Nogait park's board, how we work as co-management partners," Ruben Sr. said.
To help illustrate how much it costs to feed families in the North, the group was taken to the local Northern store where they were tasked with trying to feed a family of four on $100.
"They were astonished at how people are able to live with the food costs," Ruben Sr. said.
In addition to meetings, the group was taken on a tour of the area, which included a trip out on the sea ice, giving them a view of the land surrounding the community.
The adventure even included giving a few officials a ride in the back of Ruben Sr.'s pickup truck.
"They really enjoyed it," he said.
A community feast was held in the Angik School gym the evening of March 15 and featured a drum dancing demonstration.
Delegates were taught a few moves and were given the opportunity to display their new-found skills.
"They were saying how it's going to be all over YouTube," said the mayor.
In addition to Paulatuk, the group also visited Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk.
The Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami has run the program for 14 years, rotating federal bureaucrats through one of Canada's four Inuit regions each year.
"There are a number of us who wouldn't have the opportunity to come North," Jean Tessier, who works in public affairs for the federal Department of Natural Resources. "The range of experience was mind-blowing. It's been invaluable."
The idea behind the program is to give senior government officials the chance to learn about the Arctic and Inuit culture outside the boardroom, according to the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation's Peggy Jay.
"They travelled in the region, meeting community leaders to learn of issues and challenges, whilst being exposed to the lifestyle in the Arctic including the culture and remoteness," said Jay.
"The officials leave with a greater appreciation of the challenges faced by Inuvialuit and Northerners living in the Arctic. Some may hold the Arctic as part of their portfolio but never experienced life in the Arctic. With this better understanding, participants will hopefully work harder on behalf of Inuvialuit and Northerners in Ottawa."
Tessier said the drum dancing and community hospitality were two memorable things he will take away from the experience.
"What will always stay with me is the vibrancy of the communities," Tessier said, adding he was probably the best test case for the program, as he had never been to the North before and had learned so much. "Seeing the looks on the faces of the little kids, they were just beaming, and that will stay with me."
- with files from Sarah Ladik