Suspicious blaze destroys vacant Millennium Construction office
Sarah Ladik
Northern News Services
Thursday, March 24, 2016
The Inuvik Fire Department also responded to an incident at the former offices of Millennium Construction in the Willow Road industrial area early Sunday morning.

NWT Housing Corp. spokesperson Revi Lau-a says the building is likely a write-off and is valued at about $2 million. - Sarah Ladik/NNSL photo
The Drum previously reported an NWT court sheriff has been instructed to seize and sell the company's assets, in order to repay $1.4 million owed in federal income taxes.
As well, the Western Arctic Business Development Corporation has named Millenium Construction in a lawsuit for just over $12,000. According to court documents obtained by the Inuvik Drum in January, the development corporation states the money is a loan that has not been repaid.
The offices had been abandoned for several months before the fire occurred.
Fire Marshall Rick Lindsay said the incident was suspicious, but he could not name the cause of the fire at the time. No one was injured.
Millenium Construction had been working Sydney Apartments, a housing project for the NWT Housing Corporation but seemingly abandoned the project in January.
The construction of the building is now on hiatus. NWT Housing Corporation spokesperson Revi Lau-A told the Drum in an e-mail that the housing corp. is planning to issue a tender to complete the building in April.
He anticipates the building will be ready by fall.