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Friday, March 18, 2016
Alleged assault sends one to hospital
An injured man was taken to hospital Wednesday night after an alleged assault, according to RCMP.
Police spokesperson Const. Elenore Sturko stated RCMP were called just before 11 p.m. to a home in Dettah where the injured man was found. The man was taken to hospital by a city ambulance, she said, without elaborating on how the injury was sustained or its severity. She stated the victim and suspect are known to each other and that the investigation is ongoing. No arrests have been made, she stated.
- Shane Magee
No charges after separate crashes
A police spokesperson says no charges have been laid after two separate motor vehicle crashes in the city Tuesday. RCMP spokesperson Const. Elenore Sturko stated in an e-mail Wednesday that the investigation of the three-vehicle crash at 48 Street and 50 Avenue on Tuesday morning is ongoing. Sturko also said no charges have been laid after an investigation of a two vehicle crash around 3 p.m. on Bigelow Crescent that involved a cab and injured a woman.
- Shane Magee
City adds Fred Sangris to heritage committee
The city's heritage committee will now have official representation from Yellowknives Dene First Nation as it works to preserve and highlight the area's past. Fred Sangris, a former Ndilo chief, was appointed to the committee for a two-year term by council Monday evening. According to a city report, administration reached out to the Yellowknives Dene to ask if they wanted a seat on the committee.
- Shane Magee
Accessibility award nominees sought
Do you know of a business or organization deserving recognition for new or existing measures that increase accessibility for the public? If so, the NWT Human Rights Commission is looking to hear about it as it seeks nominees for its fifth annual Accessibility Award. The award goes to a business or organization to mark new or existing physical or non-physical accommodations aiding access for the public. The deadline for nominations is March 31.
- Shane Magee
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Arena closed indefinitely
As an unseasonable heat wave sweeps Fort Simpson, the village arena has closed down until further notice. In a notice posted on the recreation centre's Facebook page, recreation co-ordinator Nathan McPherson stated the arena's closure was due to warm weather and bad ice conditions.
Throughout the week, temperatures in Fort Simpson sat at just below zero, according to Environment Canada's weather reports. Those temperatures were expected to reach a high of zero on March 16.
Walk to Tuk wraps up
Teams participating in the Walk to Tuk have wrapped up their trek.
According to the Northwest Territories Recreation and Parks Association, more than 2,600 people participated from 22 Northwest Territories communities. There were 198 teams in total, 154 of which made the equivalent of 1,658 kilometres from Fort Providence to Tuktoyaktuk.
During the event, participants had the opportunity to send in photos or stories about their walk, which included gift cards for.
Walk to Tuk celebrations are happening across the territory. Fort Providence's event is scheduled for either March 29 or 31.
Economic development discussed
Fort Simpson's Chamber of Commerce held a consultation meeting on March 15 to discuss the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment's regional economic opportunities strategy.
The consultation meeting was specifically for chamber members and was part of the department's efforts to consult Deh Cho residents and stakeholders to identify regional priorities for economic development as well as "regionally appropriate opportunities and strategies," according to a notice from the chamber.
The event took place at 7 p.m. in the Nahanni Inn board room.
Oil and gas company abandoning wells
Apache Canada Ltd. is in the process of abandoning its C-1 injection well at the former Pointed Mountain Gas Field site, and plans to cut and cap its four remaining wellheads if possible, according to Fort Liard's hamlet newsletter. On Feb. 3, the Mackenzie Valley Land and Watter Board issued approval for Apache's application to amend its land use permit to allow it to conduct winter work at the site. That work will include the abandonment.
The cut-and-cap process includes removing wellheads and attached casing, welding caps onto the inner and outer well casings and backfilling with stockpiled soil.
The company's abandonment rig arrived on site on Feb. 17.
Woman dies in crash
Family members have identified Robyn Lennie of Tsiigehtchic as the woman who died in a single-car rollover March 11 on the Dempster Highway.
A news release from the RCMP states Inuvik and Fort McPherson detachment members responded to a report of a single-vehicle accident about 10 kilometres north of the Tsiigehtchic ferry crossing at approximately 5:30 p.m., March 11. There were three occupants in the vehicle and one died, states the release. The matter is still under investigation.
Police encourage anyone with information to contact their local detachment or Crimestoppers.
Town named top 50 in Canada
Flight Network has named Inuvik one of the top 50 small towns in Canada, according to a recent release.
"It's very big," said the town's senior administrative officer, Grant Hood, last week. "It's something that reinforces what we've said all along. Gives you that feeling that even in tough times, Inuvik is a great place."
Hood cited the Sunrise Festival, Muskrat Jamboree and Great Northern Arts Festival as outstanding local attractions, but said that it's the people of Inuvik who really make the town special. Behchoko and Fort Smith also made the list from the NWT.
Site settled for jamboree
While there were some concerns over the location of the Muskrat Jamboree this year, town senior administrative officer Grant Hood said the usual spot will be available after all.
There were concerns last month that the work being done on the new water treatment facility would prevent the usual spot, next to the park at the entrance to the Boot Lake trail by the river, from being used.
However, Hood said the work on the river that necessitated the ice road being blocked off was happening father down.
"We've asked the (Department of Transportation) to move the barriers back," he said. "The only effect it's going to have is on the snowmobile races."
The closure of the road has been for safety reasons because crews flooded the area in preparation for about a month's worth of trenching work for the intake pipes that will take water to the new plant.
Hood said the town would continue to work with the jamboree organizers on the matter.