On her own two feet
Dinah Andre Blake selected for Northern Youth Abroad
Kassina Ryder
Northern News Services
Friday, February 26, 2016
Dinah Andre Blake knows an opportunity when she sees one.

Dinah Andre Blake, Grade 11 student at Chief Julius School in Fort McPherson, is one of this year's participants in the Northern Youth Abroad program. - photo courtesy of Dinah Andre Blake
That's why the Grade 11 student at Chief Julius School jumped at the chance to sign up for this summer's Northern Youth Abroad program.
"I would recommend this to everybody, it is a great opportunity because people up here don't get that many opportunities to do stuff," she said.
Blake found out she was accepted into the program in December. Since then, she's been busy brainstorming ways to raise the $1,000 all participants need in order to take part.
So far, she's hoping to sell baked goods, such as sticky buns and bannock at the school after the March break.
This year's Northern Youth Abroad programming is scheduled to begin with an orientation in Ottawa on July 1, so Blake said she will need to raise the money before she leaves Fort McPherson at the end of June.
She has also been completing the assignments required to participate, including a biography about her life in Fort McPherson and what she hopes to accomplish through the program.
She said she believes participating will help teach her independence.
"I want to be able to do more things on my own," she said. "I've got one more year of high school and I do want to go to college, but I live in a small community with my parents."
Blake said spending a summer away from home with a host family and taking part in a work placement are ideal ways for her to become more self-reliant.
"I'd like to learn how to budget my money and to work for the things I want," she said.
While she hasn't yet decided which college she hopes to attend, Blake said that after high school she wants to earn an Early Childhood Education diploma before becoming a teacher.
"I do want to come back and teach in the North," she said.
Though she doesn't yet know exactly where she will be placed, Blake said she's looking forward to spending her summer in southern Canada.
"I know you can travel and see a different part of the country and see different cultures," she said.