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Friday, February 12, 2016
Public to walk on Twin Pine Hill
The city has organized three public walk-about sessions near the end of the month to take input on trail designs planned around the 126-unit condo development now sitting atop the hill, according to a news release. City staff will listen to ideas on trail routes, access points and lookouts. The sessions run Feb. 24, Feb. 25 and Feb. 27 from noon to 2 p.m. Those interested in participating should gather at the Sunlines Convenience Store at 4310 50 Ave. and should be dressed for the outdoors.
- Evan Kiyoshi French
Order of the NWT nominations open
If you know someone who is worthy of the Order of the NWT, you have until April 8 to nominate them. The order was established in 2013 to recognize individuals who have served with distinction and excelled in any field benefiting the people of the NWT. It is open to any Canadian citizen who is a current or former resident of the NWT. Nominations can be submitted by individuals or organizations and forms can be found on the legislative assembly website.
- John McFadden
GNWT 'site glitch fixed
The public can access the territorial government's phone directory on its website again. The pages, which allow people to for search government personnel by department could not be accessed earlier in the week. By yesterday afternoon, the problem was resolved. It was not clear by press time what had caused the glitch.
- John McFadden
Rare earths development to remain dormant
Avalon Rare Metals Inc., says Thor Lake Nechalacho, its rare earths development 100 km outside Yellowknife, will likely remain inactive for the duration of this year. The company is examining the feasibility of producing zirconium - used in paper coating, antiperspirants and paint dryers - as a primary product when funding becomes available. The rare earths market remains in recession with some prices falling 30 to 50 per cent in 2015.
- Meagan Leonard