More than two hundred attended a benefit evening and dinner hosted by Yellowknifers Supporting Syrian Refugees in December. A couple travelling to Edmonton this weekend is staying in the same hotel as 100 Syrian refugees. They are hoping they can send donations from Yellowknife when they travel. - Walter Strong/NNSL photo |
Donations sought for Syrian refugees
Couple collecting items needed for newly arrived people
Simon Whitehouse
Northern News Services
Friday, January 15, 2016
A Yellowknife couple is calling on residents to provide them with supplies they can take with them to help newly arrived Syrian refugees they plan to meet when they arrive in Edmonton this weekend.
Carole and Andre Mills have been travelling back and forth to Edmonton for medical reasons and found that 100 Syrian refugees are staying in the same hotel. Carole Mills said she is making a one-time trip to Edmonton this weekend and hopes to take goods with her.
She has been asked by the hotel not to identify the location but said there is a great need and wants to share Yellowknife hospitality with the people. She added that she is in close contact with the refugee co-ordinator, who has provided a list of items for needed goods.
"They are having a hard time getting interesting stuff for the teenagers who don't speak English," said Carole. "So funny socks and mittens or things that are cool and funky that teenagers would be interested in would be great.
"We have been asked that there be no guns, no war toys, no balloons - anything that makes loud noises. But candy and chips are welcome."
She said diapers aren't needed but toys and colouring books would be helpful, as would shampoo, toothpaste and lotions. She said ordinary books should be avoided because the people can't read English.
Mills added there is no need for winter clothes for families and that crayons or markers or paints that are donated should be washable because some of the children have been writing on the hotel walls.
Carole Mills said the refugees are staying at the hotel on a 14-day cycle before moving to other living locations, so there will be a constant need for goods by newcomers in the coming weeks. The Mills family is leaving Sunday morning and are hoping to have items packed by Saturday (tomorrow) night. People interested in helping out can reach the Mills at 867-447-0825.