McLeod waiting to be sworn in
MP designate waiting for certificate from Elections Canada
John McFadden
Northern News Services
Monday, November 16, 2015
Michael McLeod said he is patient but is also anxious to be sworn in as the territory's next representative in the House of Commons.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 164 first vice-president Blaine Kelly, left, and new MP for the NWT Michael McLeod pause after laying a wreath at the cenotaph in Yellowknife on Remembrance Day. - Shane Magee/NNSL photo |
He has been told the delay is an Elections Canada issue and the agency has yet to file the "certificate" verifying the official election result for the NWT from the Oct. 19 vote. He said he understands he cannot be sworn in until the results become official. The Parliament of Canada website did not show McLeod as an MP as of Nov. 12.
John Enright, chief spokesperson for Elections Canada, stated in an e-mail to News/North official election results will be published this week and the swearing-in date is co-ordinated by the House of Commons.
No one from the media department at the House of Commons had replied to questions from News/North as of press time.
McLeod said he is not overly concerned by the delay.
"I'm still moving forward. I'm still setting up my office and hiring my staff and everything else. But I need to be sworn-in, pretty quick," he said. "I am not the one talking to Elections Canada. It's the staff in Ottawa, the federal government that is dealing with Elections Canada."
McLeod had lobbied for a minister's portfolio while he campaigned for office but insisted that he was not disappointed in not being named a minister after handily winning the election.
McLeod said Liberal officials didn't formally tell him that he was not being posted to cabinet. He found out pretty much like the rest of Canada did at the swearing-in ceremony. Two indigenous MPs were selected for cabinet – Hunter Tootoo from Nunavut as Fisheries and Oceans minister was well as minister responsible for the Canadian Coast Guard and Jody Wilson-Raybould from B.C., who was named Justice Minister.
"We also have an Indigenous Affairs and Northern Development minister (Carolyn Bennett) who is very familiar with the North and is very passionate about what happens with aboriginal people. There is a still lot of quality people who are not in cabinet."
Among his early duties is to organize a Northern caucus among the Liberal MPs.
"We want to get together to get our (Northern) agenda moved forward," said McLeod.
"We are talking to all three Northern territories and we are talking to some of the Atlantic provinces who have indicated they would be interested in joining a Northern caucus."
McLeod said he has yet to find a permanent residence and he is staying at a hotel for the time being.
He said he and his family have not decided whether they will all relocate to Ottawa.