Franklin Avenue reopens after delay
Road detour stays days beyond expected timeframe
Evan Kiyoshi French
Northern News Services
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Franklin Avenue closed Thursday so workers could connect water and sewer lines to condominiums atop Twin Pine Hill but it remained closed Monday, upsetting at least one resident.

The city's main road has been closed since Thursday while workers connect water and sewer pipes to the Twin Pine condominium development. - John McFadden/NNSL photo |
Eli Purchase said he lives on 49 Avenue on a posted detour route around the closure, which opened yesterday.
He said he received a letter from NWT Construction on Thursday warning the main road was going to be closed and that Purchase could expect increased traffic for one day.
"They didn't mention it taking any more than one day," said Purchase. "They left a phone number to call but of course, by Saturday - Sunday you can't really get hold of anybody."
Purchase said the road stayed closed all weekend and he noticed workers on the street on Saturday but didn't see any on Sunday.
"It seems to be the first time I've ever seen a construction company not working on the weekend," he said. "You would think if you've closed the main artery in Yellowknife, you'd be working every day until it's reopened."
City spokesperson Nalini Naidoo said the city hasn't received complaints about the closure but city staff have received a number of questions about it on Twitter.
She said she thanks residents for their patience.
"We have to be able to accommodate the needs of development as well," she said.
Purchase said he understands the work has to be done but said it's taking too long.
"I'm upset. I understand it's got to be done," he said on Monday.
"They need to connect that sewer and water and I understand that. If it's one or two days, you put up with it. But when it goes on, we're in the fifth day now."
He said he's only seen one detour posted and thinks routing traffic along School Draw Avenue is a better option.
"49A and 49 Avenue are not streets set up to handle the kind of traffic that goes through Franklin," he said. "There's a really easy alternative to have traffic go along School Draw and up 44 Street."
Purchase said most of the drivers using his street as a detour are driving safely but some are going too fast.
"There's no sidewalks and people are taking their dogs for a walk or kids are walking up and down the street," he said.