Elections 2015
Yk1 trustee candidates state cases
Simon Whitehouse
Northern News Services
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Yk1 trustee candidates explain why they want to be elected to the sckhool board. The Oct. 19 election will see 7 positions filled.
John Stephenson
- Age: 62
- Marital status: Separated
- Time in Yellowknife: 41 years
- Number of children in which school(s): Four children. Two are graduates of Yk1 and two are current high school students at Sir John Franklin.
- Occupation: Expediter and special projects co-ordinator for Blachford Lake Lodge.
- Experience relevant to the job: I'm an incumbent, including board chair for two years, and always active in childrens' schools through such bodies as the parent advisory committees and Canadian Parents for French. I am a ski and speedskating coach and I have worked in government.
Why should you be elected: My priorities are to continue to work on strategic priorities for Yk1 including for special needs students, aboriginal education, academic achievement and continue to build on the positive rapport with NWT chairs of education councils. As chair I have been a member of the NWT chair group, so I have been working on building positive relationships with other chairs. My personal big priorities are improving healthy lifestyles and student leadership.
Rajiv Rawat
- Age: 41
- Marital status: Married
- Time in Yellowknife: Since 2008.
- Number of children in which school(s): I have two kids who are five and three. My oldest is at J.H. Sissons in kindergarten.
- Occupation: Web and media technology specialist at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre.
- Experience relevant to the job: Before I came to Yellowknife I was doing my PhD and I was a teaching assistant there and was involved in our teaching assistant's union. Since coming here I was in Alternatives North for a couple of years and after that I had kids and took a backseat to everything. I have worked with the Institute for Circumpolar Health Research and done international research work on community health.
Why should you be elected: I have fair number of ideas. I have set up a website and listed and sketched out some ideas. I am not running with a big beef about anything and I am not coming from a place of complaint. Given my experience I can contribute something positive to the school board and bring different perspectives of where education policy can go. I would like to see how we can expand arts, science and land-based learning, expand community partnerships and address achievement gaps.
Tina Drew
- Age: 50
- Marital status: Married
- Time in Yellowknife: 15 years
- Number of children in which school(s): Two kids at Sir John Franklin
- Occupation: Registered nurse
- Experience relevant to the job: on parental advisory committees at N.J. MacPherson, Range Lake, William McDonald and Sir John. During my time on the different PACs successfully campaigned for a fine arts program at N.J., wheelchair accessible playground equipment, playground equipment at multiple schools and a full time music teacher at Range Lake, plus more. Created partnerships with organizations including the City of Yellowknife, local businesses, Yellowknife Community Foundation, NWT Soccer Association, Let Them Be Kids, NWT Literacy Council and Canadian Parents for French which has resulted in providing equipment, extra curricular activities or programming for the schools. I have been a member of the NWT Montessori Board, NWT Soccer Association board, Somba'Ke Paddling Club, Canadian Parents for French, Yellowknife Playgroup Board.
Why should you be elected: I love education and feel it is the greatest gift a parent can give their child and society. The world is getting smaller and I want to ensure that the children of Yellowknife have a world-class education. I was born in Ireland and so far worked in nine different countries before settling in this beautiful territory. I want to know that any child leaving high school at Sir John will be prepared so that they can feel comfortable no matter where in the world they end up. Education is changing constantly and I want to ensure that Yk1 keeps up to date with what our kids need most to succeed. I believe it is only through a partnership with parents teachers and the children that we can deliver this.
Terry Brookes
- Age: 61
- Marital status: Married
- Time in Yellowknife: 26 years
- Number of children in which school(s): None. Four children who have passed through.
- Occupation: Professional engineer and work for Department of Transportation, assistant director of all facilities for NWT airports.
- Experience relevant to the job: I have more experience than the other trustees put together. I was on the community education council in Cambridge Bay. Finishing 21 years as trustee - going for eighth term.
Why should you be elected: I am always concerned about accountability and bringing trust to the position of trustee and being accountable to our public parents. I think we have to do a better job there. As an engineer a with a strong educational background, I am a lifelong learner and I promote academics and having a healthy lifestyle. I want to make sure parents are getting that out of the education system.
Jay Butler
- Age: 51
- Marital status: Divorced
- Time in Yellowknife: 23 years
- Number of children in which school(s): Two children in Sir John, through the French Immersion program.
- Occupation: GNWT business systems analyst
- Experience relevant to the job: I have served two terms on the Yk1 board to date, actively involved in various community organizations and have had two children actively involved in community activities.
Why should you be elected: I want to be re-elected to the Yk1 board to continue the good work we have been doing so far and I am well aware that there is much more to do. I always have the best interests of students in mind, including the vulnerable. School should be a safe and welcoming environment for all students to have their schooling needs met. I see the big picture in education and I can see the way to get there. Yk1 should deliver a 21st century education for all its stakeholders.
Allan Shortt
- Age: Not relevant
- Marital status: Single
- Time in Yellowknife: 37 years
- Number of children in which school(s): Two daughters. One is 21 and one is 23. They went to J.H. Sisson, William McDonald and Sir John Franklin.
- Occupation: Senior site superintendent with Clark Builders.
- Experience relevant to the job: This is my third term as trustee, I was chair for three years and vice-chair for three years.
- Why should you be elected: We will have at least three new positions on the board because there are three trustees who aren't running. I hope we have some experienced trustees to go along with the new ones so that we can keep doing the good things we do. We have been working on new initiatives like a facilities plan and a lot is still not complete. I hope to be around to complete that in this term.
Zhong Liu
- Age: 47
- Marital status: Married
- Time in Yellowknife: 2007. Eight years.
- Number of children in which school (s): My son is in J.H. Sissons School
- Occupation: Environmental analyst
- Experience relevant to the job: I am not familiar with the school board but I have been working with other kinds of boards like Snap Lake Mine Environmental Monitoring Agency board.
Why should you be elected: I want to be involved in community development and the school system. I just basically want to do something for the community, especially for kids' education. I am still looking for information about the board and I am studying the policy, strategy, plans and other documents from the school board.
Satish Garikaparthi
- Age: 35
- Marital status: Married
- Time in Yellowknife: Six years
- Number of children in which school(s): My one daughter is in Grade 4 at N.J. McPherson.
- Occupation: Security supervisor with the legislative assembly and prior to that with the municipal enforcement division with the City of Yellowknife.
- Experience relevant to the job: I come with a background of masters of business administration and masters in project management, with a security and law enforcement background.
Why should you be elected: I am a person from a different culture and different nationality and different ethnic background and we also see in Yellowknife people of various backgrounds putting their kids in the school system. They are looking for a change and upgrades. With people coming from down south and different parts of the world, everybody wants to have a voice. I think I could add to that.
Duff Spence
- Age: 50
- Marital Status: Married
- Time in Yellowknife: 50 years
- Number of children in which school(s): I have two that have graduated from Sir John - all 12 years through Yk1. One at son William McDonald School and one at daughter J.H. Sissons.
- Occupation: GNWT public works and services.
- Experience relevant to job: I was trustee for nine years and chair for three and half of those years - 2008 to 2011. Trustee from 2003 to 2012.
Why should you be elected: I have the drive to improve the system and increase engagement of parents. I want to make a difference in the childrens' lives. I went to school and went back and got masters in business administration in May 2015. So I have the experience and education to really be a benefit to the district.
John Simpson
- Age: 62
- Marital status: Married
- Time in Yellowknife: 35 years
- Number of children in which school(s): Four children. All are finished school. Both systems.
- Occupation: Adult educator
- Experience relevant to the job: I was on the board before Yk1 and I have been an educator for 40 years. I have been a manager for 25 years in the education field.
Why should you be elected: I think because I understand the rule of boards and difference of boards and administration. I believe the board's role is to set policy and set strategic plans in place for operations of district. I then see our role as ensuring that administration carries out effectively to make a difference in school. I also see the need for the maintenance of standards for academics.