Dancing in the water pays off
Fort Liard synch swimmers
win big in video competition
April Hudson
Northern News Services
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Seven young swimming stars in Fort Liard have won their hamlet $500 in swag and training dollars from the NWT Recreation and Parks Association.

Leah Berreault, front, synchronizes with some of the other swimmers in a dance video submitted to the NWT Recreation and Parks Association. Other swimmers in the video include Briann Nelson, Elizabeth Nelson, Holly Fantasque, Amy Duntra, Abby Duntra and Madison Capot-Blanc, along with coach Sophie Kirby. - photo courtesy of the Fort Liard synchro team
The hamlet's synchronized swimming team entered the High Five Dance Video competition in August and were recently announced as winners of the territorial prize.
Roslyn Firth, Fort Liard's recreation co-ordinator, described High Five as an early childhood education program taken by many people in recreation.
"Because synchronized swimming is kind of like dancing in the water, they accepted our submission," Firth said.
The contest was national with a $1,000 prize, but the association's recreation consultant Natasha McCagg said she wanted to do a territorial prize as well so more people would join the contest.
As for the swim team's video, McCagg said it was "phenomenal."
"It took me back to my Deh Cho days," she said. "We're really proud of them."
The $500 prize includes swag and training for recreation staff. With the pool closed for the season, McCagg said she has given Fort Liard the option of saving their prize until the pool opens next summer or using it now.
Firth said the recreation department is still deciding which option they will take.
The swimming team consists of Briann Nelson, Megan Steeves, Elizabeth Nelson, Leah Timbre, Amy Thomas, Madison Capot-Blanc, Abby Duntra, Holly Fantasque, Hailey Sassie and coach Sophie Kirby, who spent the summer in Fort Liard.
Kirby is a national-level synchronized swimmer who developed the swimming program over the summer and compiled the video.
"It was awesome to have something new and fresh at the pool. (Kirby) has even said that she loved being in Fort Liard and wants to come back next year to be our lifeguard," Firth said. "I'm sure she will build on the program again next year."
Kirby came to Fort Liard from Guelph, Ont., and has since returned home, now that the swim season is over. Kirby confirmed her desire to return to the hamlet next year during a recent interview with Deh Cho Drum.
"I love it here. It's been an amazing experience," she said at the time.