Youth score big on golf course
Ten teams make family tourney a success
April Hudson
Northern News Services
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Despite a dreary sky and threatening thunderclouds, 37 golfers turned out for Seven Spruce Golf Course's inaugural Family Fun Tournament, which took place the afternoon of Sept. 13.

Six winners display their prizes after the Seven Spruce Golf Course's inaugural Family Fun Tournament. Brittany Kendo, back left, holds up her new doll next to Zehro'h Waugh and Bryce Phillips. In front are Aaden White, Taggacho Jose and Amelia Tsetso. - April Hudson/NNSL photo
The tournament featured special prizes for youth in the age categories of five-and-under, six to 10 and 11 to 14, as well as first-place and second-place prizes.
New and experienced golfers alike tried their hand at the nine-hole game, which took the format of four-person best ball, with golfers packing in their clubs around 4:30 p.m.
First place prizes went to Mike Byland, Marie Anderson, Trevor Kotchea and Summer Kotchea, while there was a three-way tie for second place.
The teams who tied for second included Kris White, Adam Robar, Aaden White and Ella White; James Erasmus, Allyson Skinner, Ava Erasmus and Addyson Erasmus; and Jake Waugh, Neal Phillips, Bryce Phillips and Zehro'h Waugh.
Although team members were not required to keep track of their pars, Emmett Antoine shot 25 over three holes, Charlie Antoine shot 35 over five holes and Wren Tsetso shot 88 over all nine holes.
In the age category of five and under, Amelia Tsetso took the prize for the closest putt while Taggacho Jose won longest drive, proving his prediction earlier in the day that he would shoot a mean drive.
"I like golf. I'm good at hitting the ball far," he said.
In the six-to-ten category, Jaicee Tsetso won closest putt while Brittany Kendo won longest drive.
In the 11-to-14 category, Zehro'h Waugh won closest putt while Bryce Phillips claimed the prize for longest drive.
For Jaicee Tsetso, the tournament marked the first time she had ever seriously played golf.
"I golfed last year during a sports camp, but this was my first tournament," she said. "My favourite part of the game was when I got the golf ball into the holes."
The day wrapped up one of the last tournaments of the season at the golf course.