Christians march for Jesus
Non-denominational group bears rain to revive city march
Simon Whitehouse
Northern News Services
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Parts of downtown received more than rain from the sky Saturday as members of a Christian community called on the blessings of Jesus Christ to shower the urban core.

A crowd of fervent Christian followers participating in a March for Jesus hit a number of important downtown locations and prayed for a minute at each spot. Locations included the court house, RCMP building and Northern Lites Motel. Among the marchers were Wendy Karstad, left, Sheryl Halkett, front, and Dennis Hache, right. - Walter Strong/NNSL photo |
A group of about 36 people from seven different Yellowknife churches marched through downtown, starting at Sombe K'e Civic Plaza. Lovingson Mtongwiza, co-ordinator of March for Jesus, said he came up with the idea about a month ago while he was reflecting and praying to God.
"These marches go on in other places in the world," he explained, pointing out Yellowknife used to have one about 15 years ago. "As I was praying and fasting last month, the Lord impressed upon me and told me to hold the March for Jesus.
"Obviously it is hard to start and you say, 'Lord I don't think I can do this.' And then the Lord says, 'I will give you people to work with you. Don't worry and be strong. I will be with you throughout.'"
Mtongwiza said the event was aimed exclusively to praise Jesus, not to worry about social ills.
"In this case it is about looking at God," he said.
Mtongwiza said the march took the group to city hall, the RCMP building, the court house, the post office, the day shelter, the liquor store, Northern Lights Motel, The Raven Nightclub, the Gold Range, Harley's Hard Rock Saloon and Mildred Hall School. At each point the people prayed together for about a minute and asked for each place to be blessed.
When asked why these specific locations, Mtongwiza said it was spontaneous.
"What we were doing is there was a theme to it," Mtongwiza said. "We were raising the name of Jesus high above all names. There is a Bible verse (Philippians 2:8-11) that we based everything on which talks about God exalting Jesus to the highest place. He gave him the name above all names. The mention of His name, every tongue will confess that Jesus is the Lord and every knee shall bow in Heaven on Earth to the glory of God."
Mtongwiza said he is hoping the march will be an annual event. Times and locations will be determined after talking to God.