Youth centre closes temporarily
Board working to secure new core funding
Mark Rieder
Northern News Services
Thursday, August 6, 2015
The Inuvik Youth Centre suspended programming at its facility on July 27 after running out of money.

Derek Lennie-Ipana, 9, left, Aiden Andre, 11, Kieron Sidney, 11, Antoine
Sidney, 7, Henry Firth, 10, and Jonathan Kunnizzie, 8, play at the skateboard and bicycle ramps outside the Inuvik Youth Centre, which has suspended programming because of a shortage of funding. - Mark Rieder/NNSL photo
In a news release on July 31, the centre's board of directors stated the temporary closure is to gain time to work towards a solution.
"This will allow ourselves time to evaluate our current financial challenges, as well, to re-evaluate and finalize a new business/strategic plan," said the statement.
"This plan will be presented to key organizations in the community and other potential sponsors in the next week."
The board stated that it is experiencing a shortfall in its base funding.
"We are hopeful that we can secure core funding which will allow us to continue with much needed and valued youth programming in the very near future," stated the board.
The statement made no mention of the organization's financial status, aside to say it was "not in any significant debt." It continued on to say that the closure was part of the board's attempts to reorganize.
"Our decision to cease operations is strictly to allow us to refocus and build a solid business plan in order to better serve the youth of Inuvik," stated the news release.
The board recently hired a new executive director, who they say will carry the centre forward as solutions to the problem are found.
"Our new executive director, John Moore, is committed to the challenge at hand, and the board looks forward to working closely with him as we create a solid path forward," said the statement.
Attempts by the Drum to contact the board and representatives of the youth centre were unsuccessful.
"At this point, we are sharing all we can via the press release distributed today. We are meeting as a board early next week to review our options and to continue working on a plan forward. Our focus at this point is to work hard as a board and management team to rebuild our strategic financial plan and thus work with that
to hopefully secure base funding," the statement concluded.
"We are 100 per cent committed to working out a solution and seeing the Inuvik Youth Centre move towards a brighter and sustainable future."
The board thanked all organizations and companies who have supported the centre financially and in-kind to date and asked for their continued support.