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Monday, August 3, 2015
Five new fires in North Slave
Five new forest fires were reported in the North Slave region on July 30, according to the Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) NWTfire website. The fires, all caused by lightning, are relatively small.
The largest one is 2.5 hectares and is burning about 70 kilometres from Behchoko and a little more than 100 kilometres from Yellowknife.
There are two other new fires about 50 kilometres from Yellowknife and another one burning in a remote area about 180 kilometres from Wekweeti.
- John McFadden
$18 million for health care
As part of a wave of pre-election funding announcements, the federal government plans to spend $18 million from the federal Territorial Health Investment Fund over the next three years for health care in the territory.
Of the funds, $8.5 million will be to help with the creation of a health superboard by creating a "dedicated team" for the transition. Improving dental care for children will cost $4.5 million. Part of the funding - $5.3 million - will go toward the cost of medical travel. A project involving after-care and counselling for people who have undergone addictions treatment will receive $400,000.
- Shane Magee
Resolutions passed to protect Great Bear Lake
Resolutions passed at the Water Heart conference in Deline last week called for the nomination of Great Bear Lake as a UNESCO biosphere reserve, for the development of a watchmen-like program for the lake and to support the Suzuki Foundation Blue Dot initiative, according to a press release. Industrial development and climate change are putting pressure on the Great Bear watershed, the release states.
The conference, organized by the Deline Land Corporation, was to help learn from other First Nations dealing with similar issues.
- Shane Magee
Fort Resolution gets new look
About five or six kilometres of the community's streets were chipsealed in late July.
That is in addition to five or six kilometres that were chipsealed last year.
The project was undertaken by the Hamlet of Fort Resolution.
A spokesperson for the hamlet said chipsealing is good for dust control.
Almost all of the community's streets are now chipsealed, except for some out-of-the-way roads.
- Paul Bickford
Graduation set for Deninu School in Res
Deninu Ku'e/Fort Resolution
Deninu School in Fort Resolution will hold its annual graduation on Aug. 13.
This year, four students will be graduating from Grade 12.
The special event is set for 3 p.m. on Aug. 13 in the school gym.
Among those on hand to offer congratulations to the graduates is expected to be Tom Beaulieu, the MLA for Tu Nedhe and the minister of Transportation, Public Works and Services and Human Resources.
- Paul Bickford
Music workshop for youth in Fort Smith
Thebacha/Fort Smith
A music workshop for young people will be held in Fort Smith in early August.
The workshop - set for Monday to Friday from Aug. 3 to 14 - will be instructed by Veronica and Dave Johnny of the music group The Johnnys.
Participants will learn how to write the music and lyrics to songs. Plus, finished songs will be recorded.
The workshop is open to youth aged 13 to 23 years old.
All levels of skill and all musical styles are welcome.
The workshop is being presented by the Youth Rise Project.
- Paul Bickford
Arr matey, there be dancin' afoot
Fans of the high seas are invited to a pirate-themed dance July 31 at Kitti Hall.
All ages are welcome and the event is free. Dancing starts at 9 p.m. and goes until midnight.
During the day, summer camps continue from 1 to 5 p.m. with many outdoor and indoor events including sports, crafts, games and cooking.
A full schedule of upcoming August events will be posted on Facebook next week, said Kitti Hall evening worker Chantal Gruben.
- Meagan Leonard
Swimming pool proves popular
Residents of all ages have been keeping busy in the community this week, said recreation co-ordinator Dean McLeod.
The swimming pool is now open Tuesday through Saturday and offers public and family swims, lessons and rentals.
Activities for youth are being offered daily at the recreation complex from 1 to 5 and 6 to 9 p.m., and include hockey, soccer, baseball, Arctic sports, board games, ping pong and video games. For those who love the outdoors, many have travelled down to the coast to go picking yellow and blueberries and fish for Arctic char and herring.
-Meagan Leonard
Crowd expected for music festival
Tetlit'Zheh/Fort McPherson
Each year during the August long weekend, the community hosts a live music festival 40 kilometres south of Fort McPherson along the Dempster Highway.
Folks from around the region are invited to come to the annual Midway Lake Music Festival and enjoy live country music and storytelling.
There is also a dance floor for those who wish to showcase their skills at traditional Gwich'in jigs, waltzes and square dances.
The festival is a celebration of Gwich'in culture in the NWT, Yukon and Alaska and runs July 31 to Aug. 3.
- Meagan Leonard
Funding needed for youth excursion
Ikaahuk/Sachs Harbour
Each summer youth from the community take a trip to Inuvik for a week of swimming lessons, but this year the recreation department is struggling to come up with the funds, said co-ordinator Doreen Carpenter.
She said the trip is planned for August so she hopes fundraising initiatives will come together before then.
In the meantime, youth have been keeping busy with day and evening activities, including nature walks, crafts, cooking and gardening.
This week, children made their own pizza and planted a pot together in the community greenhouse. For older youth, there are pickup sports offered at the recreation complex Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.
- Meagan Leonard
Nominations close in Wrigley band election
Pehdzeh Ki/Wrigley
Nominations have closed for Pehdzeh Ki First Nation's band elections. Band members can vote on Aug. 5 at the PKFN boardroom between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
- April Hudson
Arbour construction resumes
Tthenaago/Nahanni Butte
Construction on the Arbour has resumed now that materials have come in and the band is hoping for a finish date of next week.
The office will be closed on Aug. 3 for the long weekend and will re-open on Aug. 4.
The community is wishing a happy birthday to Ciara Vital on July 30.
- April Hudson
Historical society holds AGM
Liidlii Kue/Fort Simpson
The Fort Simpson Historical Society held its annual general meeting on July 29 at McPherson House. The society will be holding its 25th anniversary celebration in September.
The Department of Municipal and Community Affairs will be holding a sport camp in the community from Aug. 3 to 7.
- April Hudson
Band office closed for long weekend
Tthekeh'deli/Jean Marie River
The band office will be closed on Aug. 3
The community is wishing happy birthday to Jonas Sanguez on Aug. 7 and Doug Senior Norwegian on Aug. 2.
Chief Gladys Norwegian was in Fort Simpson from July 27 to 29 for the Dehcho Health and Social Services Authority's mental health first aid course.
Three summer students are still working in Jean Marie River, doing community cleaning and cutting grass.
Rowe's Construction was in the community on July 27 to hold a safety orientation on labour work, which 12 community members attended. Three members are currently out chipsealing Highway 1.
Fort Smith church planning auction
Thebacha/Fort Smith
St. John's Anglican Church in Fort Smith is planning an auction for next month.
It will be held on Sept. 12 on the church grounds. The items will be available for viewing beginning at 11 a.m., and the auction will start at noon.
- Paul Bickford
Hockey star in Fort Prov
Deh Gah Got'ie Koe/Fort Providence
Fort Smith hockey player Shaun MacPherson's youth tour hit Fort Providence on Aug. 28.
MacPherson was a member of the 2013 Western Hockey League champions Portland Winterhawks. In addition, he has played with the Kindersley Klippers of the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League and university hockey with the Mount Royal Cougars. During the tour, he taught stick handling to some young people in the community.
Play Around the World is holding a softball game at the baseball diamond on July 30 at 7 p.m. and a free youth swim from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on July 31.
- April Hudson
Ice jams bay, blocks cargo ships
Warm summer temperatures gave way to autumn chills last week after Koojesse Inlet filled with ice blown in by southeast winds.
And Environment Canada's ice specialist expects the ice to stay.
"And to the southeast, there's more ice," said spokesperson Roger Provost. "It will eventually disappear, but it's a long process this year."
Provost expects the wind will remain in that direction for at least a week, before possibly turning to push the ice out of the Inlet and down the bay. He said it's not, as suggested by some in the community, old ice from Greenland.
"It's coming from the Arctic Ocean, between the islands in the channels there. It has nothing to do with Greenland."
The ice jam was visible as far as the eye could see most of the week. Visible, too, were cargo ships already delayed by ice further down the bay, waiting for the ice off Iqaluit to clear so the cargo could be unloaded.
- Casey Lessard
Police investigating infant death
RCMP and the coroner are investigating the sudden death of an infant in Iqaluit. Police were called to the Qikiqtani General Hospital July 29 at about 4:35 p.m.
No other details were available on July 31.
Investigators are awaiting the results of an autopsy, said RCMP Sgt. Yvonne Niego.
- Casey Lessard, with files from Michele LeTourneau
Core of capital shut down
A water main break left residents and businesses in Iqaluit's core without water for four days, starting in the early hours of July 28.
The shutdown affected buildings in the 100, 200 and 300 neighbourhoods, as well as all public buildings in the area. That included the library and visitor's centre, which were closed while maintenance crews worked to repair the damage.
The shutdown remained in effect after the break was repaired because the work exposed other issues that needed to be repaired, a June 30 news release from the city stated.
Water was flowing again after July 31.
- Casey Lessard
Millions in unclaimed benefits
Nunavut MP Leona Aglukkaq is reminding Nunavummiut to claim their child care benefits.
An estimate 900 families with children in Nunavut are eligible to receive money under the federal government's Universal Child Care Benefit.
Under the proposed enhancements to the benefit, families would receive almost $2,000 per year for each child under six years old, and another $720 per year for each child age six through 17.
"The enhanced Universal Child Care Benefit means more cash directly in the pockets of parents and I want to ensure that every family with children receives it," stated Aglukkaq in a news release intended to increase awareness.
"All families in Nunavut with kids under 18 are eligible for this benefit. Apply now so you can receive the money that is owed to you."
- Stewart Burnett
Big prizes at fishing derby
Kugluktuk's annual fishing derby is in full swing and some hefty prizes are being offered.
The derby runs from July 1 to Aug. 6 with final weigh-in and ceremony on Aug. 6 at the recreation complex.
Entrants must register and can weigh fish they catch on any of the days of contest. The top three winners for heaviest Arctic char will earn $1,500, $1,000 and $500, respectfully. Other prizes will go to the heaviest non-char fish.
"We're trying to encourage the family aspect of it," said program co-ordinator Jessica VanOverbeek.
She added that there will be prizes for the youngest and oldest anglers as well.
In 2013, the heaviest Arctic char came in at just under 16 pounds, with the heaviest "other" fish at just above 15 pounds.
- Stewart Burnett
Boaters rescued from pack ice
A group of boaters travelling from Salluit needed a rescue after they got stuck in ice en route to Sanikiluaq this past month.
"They were close to the island but they got stuck because the ice was packed in," said Jonah Qittusuk, relaying information from Mayor Frank Audla. "They're safe and sound."
The boaters had to abandon their boat, travelling home by plane. They plan to come back for the boat, Qittusuk said. "They'll pick it up when the ice is clear."
- Casey Lessard
Search uncovers marijuana
Kangiqliniq/Rankin Inlet
RCMP officers stopped a vehicle with two occupants at approximately 3:45 a.m. July 19 and completed an investigation which led to the execution of a search warrant at the Siniktarvik Hotel later in the day.
Officers seized approximately four pounds of marijuana at the hotel, RCMP stated in a news release. Two adult males from Iqaluit have been charged with possession for the purposes of trafficking under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and are scheduled for a first appearance in Rankin Inlet on Dec. 7.
- Michele LeTourneau
Status of Women Council seeks nominations
The Minister Responsible for the Status of Women Jeanne Ugyuk has put out a call for nomination for appointments to the Qulliit Nunavut Status of Women Council.
Qulliit Nunavut Status of Women Council plays an important role advocating for women and giving advice to the minister on matters affecting women in Nunavut.
Any woman living in Nunavut who is 18 years or older is eligible for nomination. Forms are available from Ugyuk's office or from the Qulliit Status of Women Council office.
- Michele LeTourneau
Gravel lot dispute wraps up
Ikaluktutiak/Cambridge Bay
A Cambridge Bay court case involving a dispute over the removal of fill on a gravel lot wrapped up last week.
Corey Dimitruk of Go Cargo Taxi Ltd. received a $10,000 judgment from Justice Susan Cooper against defendants Sandi Gillis, Brian Langille and Qillaq Innovations.
The defendants had been tasked with hauling and spreading gravel on a residential lot in 2011.
When they had not yet received their fourth and final payment for the job, months later, they went back to the property and removed $5,000 worth of fill to make up for the loss.
"In an effort to recover $5,000, the defendants took steps which resulted in losses to the plaintiff far in excess of the amount owing," stated Cooper in a judgment released by the Nunavut Court of Justice late last month.
Cooper stated the defendants had other options, such as resorting to small claims court for the debt owing.
- Stewart Burnett
Men sought for program
Ikpiarjuk/Arctic Bay
A new cultural program in Arctic Bay has had success finding women to participate, but is having trouble filling spots in the men's department.
"A women's group of 20 will be split in two, with 10 women working with fabric, and the other 10 working with sealskins," said Rebecca Akumalik Kalluk, who is on the health committee that is funding the program.
"We're still looking for a couple of men who would be instructors, and about 20 men willing to participate."
The men's program instructors will decide what will be involved, which may include hunting or making traditional tools or hunting items.
"It's hunting season, that's probably why we're not getting more men," she said.
The twice-weekly program will last six weeks, she said. The women's program has enough people to start in the coming weeks.
- Casey Lessard
Youth leadership opportunity
Kangiqliniq/Rankin Inlet
Motivate Canada's GEN7 Aboriginal Role Model Program will hold youth leadership training in Rankin Inlet Aug. 10 to Aug. 12.
The program encourages aboriginal youth to live, and encourage others to live, an active and healthy lifestyle through sport, physical activity and other means.
The program also helps youth to become leaders in their communities.
The two days will be filled with skill building, team building and confidence building activities.
There are five spots available to youth aged 16 to 29. Visit the GEN7 page on the Motivate Canada website for more information.
- Michele LeTourneau
Camp popular among youth
It's a busy summer for youth in Sanikiluaq, where summer camp is keeping people busy.
Between 20 and 40 children are taking part in the new summer program on any given day, and the hamlet has assigned five summer students to help out.
The program is running in partnership with the community's mental health professional.
"It's something new for the kids," said Jonah Qittusuk, one of the hamlet's two recreation co-ordinators. "It's their first time with summer camp."
The camp runs until Aug. 28.
The recreation department is organizing a one-week land camp that starts Aug. 10, Qittusuk said, noting he expects up to 20 youth aged 13 to 18. Already he has 15 signed up to learn traditional ways of hunting.
- Casey Lessard
Presidency open for nominations
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) opened nominations for president last month. The election will take place Sept. 17 following ITK's annual general meeting to be held in Cambridge Bay beginning Sept. 16.
Candidates must be 18 and may be nominated by the member representative of Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., the Inuvialuit Regional Corp., Makivik Corp. or the Nunatsiavut Government. Candidates may also submit a cover letter outlining their experience and goals for the presidency, as well as the signatures of 20 Inuit over the age of 18. Applications must also include a passport-quality photo and a cheque for $200 make out to ITK.
The deadline for application is Aug. 17 at 7 p.m. Eastern Time.
- Michele LeTourneau
Open house in Resolute
The Qikiqtani Inuit Association is hosting an open house and celebration in Resolute on Aug. 12.
President P.J. Akeeagok will host the meeting, which will celebrate the signing of the Qausuittuq National Park Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement. According to QIA, the agreement will include employment and economic opportunities for people of Resolute.
Akeeagok will be available to answer any questions about the agreement at the event, which begins at 2 p.m. at the hamlet office.
- Stewart Burnett