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Friday, August 28, 2015
Symposium draws educators
Educators have gathered in the city for an Education, Culture and Employment department symposium that will continue into the weekend promoting early childhood education as a profession and providing training opportunities for attendees.
The event, which isn't open to the public, is bringing early childhood program staff together with those working in the early childhood field at the Explorer Hotel.
The event began Thursday morning and will wrap up Saturday.
- Shane Magee
Compost pickup expanding
The city's composting program is expanding starting next month. Homes in Niven, Old Town and the School Draw areas will be receiving green carts in September with collection beginning Sept. 16.
An information session about organics collection will be held at city hall Sept. 10 at 7 p.m.
The city began rolling out organics collection in Range Lake last fall.
The final neighbourhood to get carts will be downtown in 2017.
- Shane Magee
Jackfish fire repairs underway
The Northwest Territories Power Corporation plans to send a mobile diesel power generator at the Jackfish power station that was damaged by fire Aug. 17 to the factory that made it to inspect the damage. Pam Coulter, spokesperson for the power corp., stated in an e-mail it will be "some time before the extent of the damage is known."
A new mobile generator is being rented, she added.
- Shane Magee
School day start change
The school day will start at 8:20 a.m. for J.H. Sissons School students on Aug. 31.
Yellowknife Education District No. 1 superintendent Metro Huculak said there has been a change to the schedule and the district is advising parents to make arrangements that will have the students in class on time.
The entrance bell will ring to bring students into the school at 8:20 a.m. and classes will begin 10 minutes later. The school day now ends at 3:20 p.m.
- Evan Kiyoshi French
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Mine tailings spill
North American Tungsten, owner of the Cantung Mine, reported a spill of 1,000 to 2,000 litres of mine tailings at the site Aug. 9, according to a report filed with the GNWT. A pipe burst, dumping water and tailings solids, the report states. Some of the water went into the ground and couldn't be recovered. Tailings are the byproduct of mining operations and can include contaminants. The tungsten mine is located about 150 kilometres west of Nahanni Butte and outside Nahanni National Park Reserve along the Yukon border.
Assault hospitalizes male in Fort Providence
Fort Providence RCMP were called to a local residence in the evening hours of Aug. 23 after a male was seriously injured.
RCMP reported the following day that they had responded to an aggravated assault. The injured male was transported by medevac to Stanton Territorial Hospital in Yellowknife with serious injuries.
RCMP say the investigation is ongoing with the assistance of G Division's forensic identification unit.
Tender for Trout Lake airport posted
On Aug. 25, the GNWT Department of Transportation announced a request for tenders for an 80-square-metre passenger shelter at the Trout Lake airport.
The deadline for tenders is Sept. 3 at 3 p.m.
Earlier in 2015, the community aired concerns it could take years for the new airport to officially open, after the airport construction went $2 million over budget and the terminal could not be completed.
Planes have been using the runway since its completion in the fall of 2014.
Acho Dene treaty negotiations close for summer
The Acho Dene Koe treaty negotiation team is wrapping up summer activities. A public meeting will be held Aug. 27 at 7 p.m. at the community hall. Premier Bob McLeod and Industry, Tourism and Investment Minister David Ramsay are slated to attend.
A public notice from Acho Dene Koe First Nation says the week of Aug. 24 has been busy for negotiators. Treaty and lands consultant Rob Diaz was in the community all week to work with community members on treaty implementation, lands selection and other issues.
The Aug. 27 public meeting with McLeod and Ramsay coincides with discussion between ADK chief and council and GNWT representatives.
Tlicho Government representatives have been invited to speak.
Sign up for activities
Residents will have a chance to inquire about and sign up for all kinds of activities, programs and clubs at an upcoming community registration night.
Representatives from sports groups and youth programs will be in the community hall at the Midnight Sun Complex from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Sept. 16.
It will also be an opportunity for those looking to volunteer with groups to get involved. Anyone still needing a table is encouraged to contact the recreation centre directly.
Slo-pitch season wraps up
The slo-pitch season came to an end last weekend with Just Call Vince beating out the Aklak Air Falcons in the final game.
Just Call Vince won 12-7 against the Falcons on Aug. 23. Just Call Vince had been in first place in league standings for the entire season, said league spokesperson Donald Hendrick. The Falcons finished third in the regular season standings.
A wrap-up banquet has been planned for all players at the Legion Aug. 29, at which time awards will be presented.
Summer camp extended
After a visit from a touring soccer camp fell through, the Town of Inuvik has extended its summer Camp Kivuni for one more week.
The extra five days will run from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Aug. 24 to 28 and will feature the five biggest hits of the summer in terms of themes, one for each day.
Co-ordinator Candice Cockney said it would be a busy schedule and an exciting way to end the summer before children head back to school.
"We just wanted to do something to keep the kids busy that week," she said. "It'll be a lot of fun."
Emergency preparedness part of Operation Nanook
The Canadian Armed Forces' Operation Nanook will be conducting emergency preparedness exercises in Inuvik and Fort Smith this week, with the Government of the Northwest Territories assisting.
"Participation in Operation Nanook will help us test our emergency response measures and strengthen relationships with partners in other emergency response agencies," stated Municipal and Community Affairs Minister Robert C. McLeod in an Aug. 24 news release.
The situation in Inuvik will mimic the results of an oil spill in the Beaufort Sea while the one in Fort Smith will be of a simulated wildfire event.