Family Fun Day
Rankin event leaves people smiling despite nasty weather
Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Hundreds of people enjoyed an AE Family Fun Day festival in Rankin Inlet earlier this month, despite Mother Nature's best attempt to put a damper on the event with thick fog, cool temperatures and light rain.

Tagalik Eccles and Gianna Hernandez, right, make two perfect princesses during the AE Family Fun Day festival in Rankin Inlet earlier this month. - photo courtesy of Tracey Brown |
It was the second time Rankin hosted the family event.
The festival had to be moved indoors due to the weather, with the arena and community hall housing most of the attractions, and the curling club playing home to the popular fun photo booth run by Tracey Brown.
The Family Fun Day festival was a joint effort, with the Hamlet of Rankin Inlet co-ordinating the event and Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd. - which owns the Meadowbank gold mine in Baker Lake and the Meliadine gold project near Rankin - sponsoring the festival.
Lori Tagoona, contracted to organize and oversee the event, said it was a bit disappointing to have to move what was meant to be an outdoor festival into the community centre.
She said the two-day festival featured live music, ice cream, two barbecues, bouncy castles, Elvis impersonator Daylin James of Thunder Bay, Ont., a painting station, the fun photo booth and DJ music, among other activities.
"Having to hold it inside took a bit away from the event," said Tagoona.
"It definitely would have been better outside, because we had to make some last-minute changes and not as many people showed up as we had anticipated.
"The first year we held it outside the weather was beautiful and it went really, really well.
"A lot of people deserve thanks for helping with the event, including Joey Hidalgo, Amanda McLarty, Tracey Brown, the rec department's Cody Tulagak and the boys he had working with him and Agnico Eagle."
Tagoona said the photo booth went over quite well in the curling rink.
She said there were plenty of props available, and people enjoyed goofing around for the camera.
"Different groups of people would come in and put on the crazy hats, wigs and glasses, and Tracey (Brown) would take individual and group photos of them.
"Everyone seemed to have a good time doing that.
"Tracey posted the photos on Facebook and people could order copies through the AE Family Fun Day page.
"It's a nice little summer event for the community, so, hopefully, they'll do it again and the weather will be more co-operative the next time."