Two RCMP improper-use-of-force investigations underway
Lethbridge police say the complainant alleges excessive force was used during a search at RCMP cells; one of two complaints against Yellowknife RCMP
John McFadden
Northern News Services
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Lethbridge police have confirmed that a prisoner who complained about improper use of force by Yellowknife RCMP during a search back on Jan. 7 is female.

Lethbridge police say their investigation into an improper use of force allegation against Yellowknife RCMP is almost complete. It was filed after this arrest at the Shell gas station in late March. It is one of two investigations by Lethbridge police into use of force by Yellowknife RCMP officers. - screen grab courtesy John Louison
That was part of the information shared this week with Yellowknifer by Staff Sgt. Leon Borbandy of the Lethbridge Police Service. He did not divulge whether the officer being investigated is male or female.
RCMP asked Lethbridge police to conduct an independent investigation into the complaint.
"A sergeant and constable are now back in Lethbridge after spending most of last week in Yellowknife conducting interviews as part of their investigation," Borbandy said. He could not expand on the allegation but said that the alleged victim was not hurt and did not require medical attention. It is not clear whether the complaint deals with a male officer improperly searching a female prisoner. It is also not clear why the female was in custody in the first place. Borbandy did not give a timeline for when that investigation would be completed.
Meanwhile, a Lethbridge police investigation into another excessive-use-of-force complaint against a Yellowknife officer is winding down. The Alberta force was asked to step in after an incident at the Shell gas station on March 27 was caught on video by a bystander. It appears to show a Mountie punching a suspect in the face as he was being arrested. Borbandy said that the probe into that incident is now essentially complete.
"The final draft report will be reviewed by myself and our deputy chief and will then be forwarded to the Crown for opinion, Borbandy said. "We anticipate that happening within the next week or so and then it will be on the Crown's timeline from there. Lethbridge police and the Crown will work together to decide whether criminal charges are warranted, he said.
"We usually seek their opinion on whether there is evidence to support criminal charges against these officers," Borbandy said. "Once that process is done we switch over and do a professional standards investigation."
If criminal charges are not laid, his force has the authority to recommend disciplinary measures against the officer or officers involved, Borbandy said.
John Louison, a bylaw officer from Fort Good Hope, shot the video footage outside the Shell station.
In the video, officers are seen restraining the man when one officer strikes him in the head with his hand while the other presses down on the man's head with his knee. Louison said the arrest could have gone more smoothly.
"They could have taken that extra minute to do it properly," he said.
According to Const. Elenore Sturko, media liaison from Yellowknife RCMP, both officers being investigated are currently on administrative duties.