Bringing down the curtain
Drama club goes back to issue play for final show in Arviat
Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
The curtain comes down on a notable season for the Arviat Drama Club tonight, June 24, in Arviat.

Courtney Cribb applies makeup to Eva Aliktiluk, who will take to the stage for the final time this season in the role of Mrs. Westlake, as the Arviat Drama Club presents The Bright Blue Mailbox Suicide Note in Arviat tonight, June 24. - NNSL file photo |
The youth group concluded the first segment of the season with an outstanding rendition of How The Grinch Stole Christmas just before the holiday season.
The Grinch followed the club's hilarious version of Cinderella, as high school drama teacher and play director Gord Billard gave his young thespians a break from the pressures of issue plays.
The club went once more into the breach this time out with Lindsay Price's Bright Blue Mailbox Suicide Note.
The drama club had performed the play in 2011 to rave reviews, and the actors hope to take the show on the road in the Kivalliq for the first time in 2016.
Billard said he's confident in the abilities of his cast to put in a solid performance on the road.
He said he has faith in the ability of his younger actors to handle a play with such serious subject matter.
"We have a solid group and they haven't shown any sign of apprehension or problems with the subject matter," he said.
"The only difficulty our younger actors have shown is the normal run-of-the-mill problem of remembering their lines during rehearsals.
"I was actually pointing out to some of the newer cast members this past week, just how far they've come during the past year.
"We have some young girls who were whispering and mumbling at the start, but projecting confidently and loudly now."
Billard said that progression made for a successful season in performing the Grinch and Suicide Note.
He said now he needs to relax before the challenge of taking the Bright Blue Mailbox Suicide Note on the road.
"I was very encouraged after our rehearsal this past Wednesday, because it was the best this group has done so far.
"A few guests saw the performance and thought the kids were really good and engaging, so the early reviews are encouraging.
"If we're successful in getting the play on the road, I'll feel a bit of pressure from the unknowns of going to new places where I've never spent any time before.
"There will also be a bit of pressure to put on a
good show because of the money we need to make it possible, but I'm confident we have a really good group of kids who are strong actors and will do a great job in any community."