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Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Federal funds touches downtown
The city will receive $175,000 from the federal government through the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency for business incubation, entrepreneur development and downtown revitalization according to an announcement Friday. The money is part of a $1.6 million city plan that includes a Business Improvement District, redeveloping the 50/50 lot and carrying out a commercial and residential real estate market analysis. Three consultants have been appointed and have been working on the project since January. Subsequent work is subject to council funding approval and more money from CanNor.
- Shane Magee
WSCC limits access to Polaris structure
The NWT Workers' Safety and Compensation Commission issued an order Friday to limit access to the heavily damaged Polaris apartment building structure off 52 Avenue to anyone other than professionals hired to further assess and remediate the site. The order follows a fire June 14 and subsequent demolition of the third floor of the building by an excavator that left the building structurally unstable.
- Shane Magee
Liquor Act charges withdrawn
Three liquor act charges against Coyote's Bar and Grill, laid earlier this year, have now been withdrawn. Glen Burns, director of corporate affairs for the department of finance which oversees the liquor board, stated in an e-mail that liquor enforcement officials and territorial government legal counsel decided that there was not enough evidence to prove the charges against Coyote's. The bar was charged with allowing an intoxicated person into the establishment, serving an intoxicated patron and allowing a person to leave the premises with an alcoholic beverage.
- John McFadden
School launching website
J.H. Sissons School is celebrating the launch of its new Safe and Caring school website and the unveiling of new playground equipment during a gathering at the school gymnasium today. The website was designed to help create a environment focused on teamwork and respect and to promote anti-bullying behaviour, according to a news release.
- Evan Kiyoshi French
Class of 2015
It was a day of ceremony and celebration as 25 graduates received their Grade 12 diplomas at John Arnalukjuak High School in Arviat this past Saturday, June 20.
Receiving their Grade 12 diplomas were Andrew Muckpah, James Issakiark, Nathan Mamgark, Rueben Pameolik, Amiq Nateela, Joshua Alagalak, Tommy Arloo, Lucy Nagiyak, Ceporah Thompson, Beth Aglukark, Tapisa Tattuinee, Alex Muckpah, Julia Mamgark, Kelsey Budden, Andy Evaloakjuk, Robert Isluanik, Francesca Suluk, Nancy Tasseor, Eden Okatsiak, Charlotte Iblauk, Racheal Tutsuitok, Jessica Pingushat and April Kablutsiak.
Award winner
Rankin Inlet
Kivalliq Inuit Association director of lands Luis Manzo of Rankin Inlet was presented with a 20142015 Assistant Deputy Minister's Recognition Award for his efforts as a member of the 2014 Baker Lake Watershed Cumulative Effect Monitoring Program earlier this month.
Manzo was presented with the award during a gala celebration in Ottawa on June 16.
For the complete story on Manzo's awardwinning effort, please see the July 1 edition of Kivalliq News.
Meadowbank team wins big
Baker Lake/Yellowknife
The team from the Agnico Eagleowned Meadowbank gold mine put in a strong showing at the Worker's Safety and Compensation Commission's 58th annual Mine Rescue Competition in Yellowknife earlier this month.
The Meadowbank team took top spot in the surface obstacle/extrication individual-task component of the competition.
The team from Ekati Diamond Mine took home both the Overall Surface and Overall Underground trophies.
The twoday competition saw seven teams from six mines demonstrate mine surface and underground response and rescue skills.
Mines from Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, Yukon and British Columbia competed at the event.
Awards broadcast
Arviat/Repulse Bay (Naujaat)
The 2015 Indspire Awards were broadcast on both Global TV and APTN this past Friday, June 19.
The Indspire Awards gala celebrates the accomplishments of 14 outstanding indigenous individuals from across Canada, representing a diverse range of accomplishments, each profiled in a unique video vignette.
The awards saw wellknown elder Peter Irniq, originally of Repulse Bay (Naujaat) win the 2015 Indspire Awards for Culture, Heritage and Spirituality, while Arviat's Jordan Konek won the 2015 Indspire Award for YouthInuit.
Cast and crew
Listed below are the cast members and characters they play, as well as the crew members for the final Arviat Drama Club production of the year, The Bright Blue Mailbox Suicide Note by Lindsay Price, which hits the stage tonight at Arviat's John Arnalukjuak High School.
- Jake: Ethan Tassiuk
- Ken: Ramon Kaviok
- Moe: Andy Evaloakjuk
- Dennis: Samuel Pauppa
- Mr Arscott: Peter Aliktiluk
- Karen: Ruth Kaviok
- Joan: Lucy Aulatjut and Cheryl Nibgoarsi
- Lisa: Kathleen Ahmak
- Beebee: Hattie Pameolik
- Mrs. Westlake: Robyn Koomak and Eva Aliktiluk
- Girl: Shelby Angalik
- Stage Manager: James Issakiark
- Crew: Daniel Nipisar, Ian Ahmak and Paul Enowyak
- Lighting: Alissa Matoo and Jonathan Kigusiutnak