Valedictorian proud of Inuksuk experience
Reminds listeners world run by people who show up
Stewart Burnett
Northern News Services
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
One word in to her speech and Mary Omole had a packed Inuksuk High School gym at full attention.

Mary Omole, one of the valedictorians of her graduating class in Iqaluit, gave a powerful speech at Inuksuk High School's graduation ceremony. She moved to Nunavut as a child and says it's been a wonderful experience. - Stewart Burnett/NNSL photo
Omole, one of the three valedictorians for her graduating class, began her speech with a Nelson Mandela quote about education being a powerful weapon.
Her stage presence and ability to present so well as a public speaker had the audience roaring with applause at every opportunity.
"Inuksuk High School has been more than I could ask for," she told the crowd.
"I've been given opportunities and support. I've been challenged and encouraged," she said. "I am so proud of how far we've come and I cannot even imagine how far we can go."
Omole came to Nunavut when her father got a job in the territory in Christmas 2010, her Grade 8 year.
"It's been a wonderful experience," she said about her time in the city.
"I've learned a lot over my past few years. Growing up down south, it was quite a difference. There's so much culture here and wonderful people to have had the opportunity to grow up with. I'm really glad I got the experience I did."
She grew up in Windsor, Ont., and has always been involved in public speaking through school and extracurricular activities.
"I like to challenge myself," she said. "I know it's quite a difficult thing for a lot of people to speak in front of people, and I still get nervous when I do it, but it's almost fun. I think that when you think of something as fun or a challenge instead of thinking of something as tough or impossible, then it makes it enjoyable and you can become good at it."
In her speech, she thanked family, friends, coaches and teachers.
All the work the students put in wasn't just for a grade or handshake and diploma, she said.
"The experience and the accomplishments . they have been worth so much more," Omole told the audience.
"Now I am confident that all the trials and tribulations . they were all to prepare us for what is in store for us out there. I think they call it the real world."
Omole plans to attend the University of Ottawa for biochemistry in the fall.
"I've always loved the sciences because they challenge me to think, and I guess you could say I like challenges," she said. "I've always been interested in what I can learn."
She ended her valedictorian speech with a quote from Steve Blank: "The world is run by those who show up, not those who wait to be asked."