Helping a helper
Small group bands together to help student fundraise in Arviat
Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
A small group of gamers came together to test their skill, have some laughs and help Grade 12 graduate Andy Evaloakjuk with his Northern Youth Abroad (NYA) fundraising efforts earlier this month in Arviat.

Top gamer, Andrew Porteus, left, receives his $100 prize from Andy Evaloakjuk during a game day Xbox fundariser in Arviat. - photo courtesy of Gord Billard |
Teacher Gord Billard said the almost seven-hour event was called game day and featured a playoff-style format among the 12 competitors using the video game NHL 15.
He said it was a lot of fun for everyone, but only a break-even event.
"We decided to try this because a lot of kids in town enjoy playing video games," said Billard.
"Our gym teacher, Andrew Porteus, took part because he was my go-to guy - having four Xboxes in the gym that are used, sometimes, for video-workout classes - and he won the $100 prize.
"We charged $5 per participant and had canteen services available.
"Our Co-op was very generous and donated a new Xbox for us to raffle on Andy's (Evaloakjuk) behalf."
Billard said the group is trying to raise $500.
He said there's a chance the Xbox raffle will do the trick, but if not, they'll attempt another small event to raise whatever remains.
"The gamers played on a big TV at four stations in the gym, with the final being on the theatre's giant screen.
"The guys knocked out of the event stuck around to watch, and it was pretty cool being played on the big screen.
"Once the final tally is in from the raffle, if we come up short, we'll ask other businesses in town if they'd donate something to be raffled.
"We got off to a pretty good start with the tickets, so I expect the raffle for the Xbox will do well."
Evaloakjuk will do his Canadian Phase of the NYA in Ottawa this summer.
Billard said the upcoming grad has always been a pleasure to teach.
He said he never agrees to mentor for NYA, because he's so busy with his teaching and extracurricular activities with the students.
But an exception was made for the young acting student.
"He's done so much for me over the years.
"He's always the last to leave rehearsals, doing whatever is needed to help, and he lives just behind my house, so he always gives me a hand carrying things home.
"He's just a really nice person, who would break his back to help out.
"He's always one of the first to offer his services if he knows someone at school needs help, so this is a small way of repaying him a bit for all that kindness."