RCMP officers are confident they have ended a rash of robberies in the capital after arresting three men, a teenage girl and two teenage boys.

Insp. Jason Fiddler, left, and Sgt. Yvonne Niego speak at a news conference Feb. 24 where they announced the solving of five out of six recent robberies in the capital. Most of the robberies involved weapons or threat of weapons. - Casey Lessard/NNSL photo |
The arrests were announced Feb. 24 at a news conference where police alleged the group was involved in five of six store robberies from October to February. Most of the robberies involved weapons or the threat of weapons.
"We believe that many of the individuals involved in each of these robberies have been involved with each other in some form," RCMP Sgt. Yvonne Niego said.
The entire group is accused of executing one robbery at the new Plateau convenience store recently opened by Qikiqtaaluk Corporation. For the others, one to three members of the group was involved in each, police said.
"At one point, prior to this weekend, we had front-loaded the investigation to solve a lot of these robberies," said Insp. Jason Fiddler, officer-in-charge for V Division Qikiqtani region.
Twelve members of the force were involved in solving the case and video evidence helped in the investigation.
"There were several leads that the members from the Iqaluit detachment followed up on and by investigating those leads, brought in other aspects of the investigation and it just kind of snowballed from there. Once we captured some of the evidence, it just brought up more evidence."
Police are examining other crimes that may be related to these crimes. Police have not yet connected the group to a Jan. 10 robbery at the Apex Quickstop convenience store, which remains unsolved.
All of those accused have appeared in court and two of the men remain in custody. The rest were released on bail. Additional charges are possible, police said. Police are not releasing their names.
Of all the crimes, the biggest haul came from a theft that occurred during a Baffin Gas & Convenience employee's run to the bank to deposit cash. The thieves got away with more than $5,000 in that incident. The three adults are accused of that crime.
All of the incidents happened during evening business hours. Three of the incidents involved weapons and others involved the threat of harm.
"For all of these six, no physical injuries were reported," Niego said. "However there are a lot of youth that work at our convenience stores. The effect of robberies can (take) a huge toll mentally and emotionally on individuals. It's not only money that's gone missing. Individuals' lives were felt to be at risk."
She added that at least one member of her immediate family was among those working at a store during the robberies.
"I've been in Iqaluit for 10 years, spread out among three different times," she said. "This is the only time I've come across something like this. Perhaps other types of crimes have come and gone, but in particular a series of robberies, so many of them for several months, is a first."
RCMP are working with businesses to increase security measures and encourage residents to stay vigilant.
"What would help if there were future events," Niego said. "Witness accounts, having individuals take note and be aware of their surroundings, behaviours, colours, voices, descriptions, anything unusual about an individual, that would greatly advance investigations."
A robbery conviction can result in a maximum life sentence. Robbery with a firearm, the charge for at least one robbery, carries a minimum four-year prison sentence.
Rash of robberies
Oct. 27- Apex Quickstop convenience store: One adult male charged with robbery; he remains in custody
Nov. 17- Baffin Gas & Convenience: Three adult males charged with theft over $5,000 after money was taken during an employee's cash drop en route to the bank; two remain in custody
Dec. 4- Inuksugait Plaza Quickstop convenience store: One adult male and one youth male, each charged with robbery; adult remains in custody
Jan. 10 - Apex Quickstop convenience store: Unsolved; investigation continues
Feb. 10- Plateau Baffin Convenience: Three adult males charged with robbery, one female youth and two male youth charged
Feb. 17- Arctic Ventures Marketplace grocery store: Adult male charged with robbery; he remains in custody
Source: RCMP