An outdated code of conduct for city councillors largely unchanged since it was drafted on a typewriter is set to be reviewed in the coming months as the city takes a look at its internal workings.

Mayor Mark Heyck says it's time to review the legislation governing the city and its code of conduct. - Shane Magee/NNSL photo |
The code of conduct that lays out what's considered proper behaviour is a scan of the original version and needs to be updated, said Mayor Mark Heyck.
He said it is "wishy washy" in sections and could use stronger language related to working in an environment of respect.
The city is seeking proposals for a company to carry out a governance review at a cost of up to $75,000 to be returned to council by June.
The review will look at the GNWT legislation that forms the structure of the city, the city's procedures for meetings, elections bylaws and its acceptance-of-gifts policy.
If there's something the consultant believes could improve how council functions, it would be recommended in the final report.
The mayor said it's a much-needed review of the framework used to run the city.
"We seldom take a look at our actual governance structure and how we make decisions and how council operates," Heyck said. "The governance part of the city is such a fundamental part of the of whether we're serving our citizens well, whether we're governing efficiently and effectively.
"So I felt it was time to review councils own operations."
There were no specific issues that arose that prompted the review, he said. The review will be carried out after a contract is awarded by council.
Coun. Niels Konge voted against the holding the review during a December council meeting.
"Frankly I think it's a waste of money. I don't think council is the issue in this city, I think it's the departments," Konge told Yellowknifer yesterday.
The city reviewed its municipal enforcement department last fall and had planned to review several others before the term ends, but with the municipal election coming up Oct. 19, it's unlikely those other reviews will take place.
The mayor stated after he was elected he wants the governance review done this term.
"Is that why we're doing this now?" Konge said about the timing of the review. "It's one of those things that make you go 'hmm.'"
When Yellowknifer asked about Konge's comment, the mayor said he had no response.
Konge, who also owns Konge Construction Ltd., believes the planning and lands department needs to be reviewed first.
He said it takes far too long for the city to work through large development projects.
As well, he thinks there are issues with management in departments that should be addressed first.
The deadline for a company to apply to carry out the review is March 23.
The terms of reference state it is expected to look at other communities in Canada that have taken steps to change their governance structure.
The plan is for the consultant to talk to city administrators and hold one-on-one interviews with councillors and the mayor to talk about specific things they believe could be changed.
The review process won't include public consultations.
The mayor said councillors will provide feedback from the public to the consultant writing the report.
It's also expected to give a range of recommendations on legislation and policies, said the mayor.
Over the summer, council will then have a chance to lobby for recommendations they support to the GNWT, which would consider whether to amend its legislation.