Firefighters plan a ball
Village event incorporates firefighter recognition as well as formal dinner and dance
Shane Magee
Northern News Services
Published Thursday, February 5, 2015
Those who want to dance an evening away will get the chance in early May when a fireman's ball comes to Liidlii Kue.

Fort Simpson fire chief Roger Pilling said the department will host its first fireman's ball in May. - Shane Magee/NNSL photo
The formal event has been held in other communities in the territory, including Inuvik and Hay River, but this spring will be the first time the event will come to the Deh Cho.
"We're going to give it a first shot," said village fire chief Roger Pilling in an interview with Deh Cho Drum.
After several local members attended a ball in Hay River and really enjoyed it, Pilling said they suggested the department hold one here, so now the event is planned for Saturday, May 9 in the village rec centre.
The event is open to all members of the community and will replace the annual awards presentation that the fire department usually holds in its facility, which was more for the department and invited guests from the health centre and village.
Val Gendron, Pilling's wife, is leading the fireman's ball organizing committee.
"It's going to be a memorable night," she said, describing the white table cloths running down to the floor, black chair covers, red carpet and other decor.
"We really want people to dress up," she said.
After refreshments and appetizers at 6 p.m. the prime rib meal will start at 7 p.m.
After dinner, a few quick speeches will be followed by a slideshow and the presentation of the annual recognition of the firefighters.
Then the dancing will begin.
Pilling said the ball will serve as a chance to show the community who its firefighters are and what the department does.
The volunteer department has a force of 16 regular members and four auxiliary members.
The fire department requested the village waive the rental fee for the rec centre and after a debate Feb. 2 about whether they could do so, council voted in favour of waiving the rental fee on the condition that alcohol not be served.
Councillors said to do otherwise would violate village policies and open council up to many more requests for waived fees.
Pilling said he's hoping for around 75 people to come out to the ball. Tickets for the ball
are expected to go on sale March 1. Details for where to buy them will be posted in the community closer to that date. The money will go toward covering the costs of hosting the event, including food and decor.
Pilling said the goal isn't to raise money, but to break even. Another goal, Pilling added, is to have some fun.
"It should be good," he said.