Land has been set aside at the Stanton Territorial Hospital site for a wellness spiritual centre, government officials have confirmed.

The Stanton Elder's Council has requested a new wellness spiritual centre be included in hospital redevelopment plans. Chairperson Francois Paulette says the facility would accommodate healing ceremonies, cultural cooking and a greenhouse where herbal medicine could be grown. - NNSL file photo
Recently the Stanton Elder's Council approached the territorial government about including the wellness centre in the hospital renewal slated to begin later this year. Council chair Francois Paulette says he envisions the centre as a community hub where traditional medicine can be practised alongside Western techniques.
"A Western hospital like Stanton is not designed to include Dene culture," he said, noting traditional ceremonies cannot be performed "without having to be concerned about the fire marshal intruding."
Visitors to the facility would be able to cook cultural dishes and have access to language translators, computers and telephones, said Paulette, adding there would be a greenhouse where herbal medicines could be grown all year and possibly eventually birthing and palliative care wings.
He says they were inspired by an aboriginal hospital in Alaska and similar facilities in the Yukon.
"There are wellness centres across the country . we can do a lot of things here in the North, but people need to be innovative."
Right now, he says the main inhibitor preventing the project from moving forward is funding and where it will come from is still undetermined.
"There is some beginning of a plan, but we need to have access to funding to put a business plan together and we're having a difficult time getting access to that funding," he explained. "I cannot provide you with a definite time(line) but if money comes forth . things can pick up very quickly."
The territorial government's consideration for the centre has been provided in the proposed layout for Stanton's redevelopment, said Department of Health and Social Services communications officer Dorothy Westerman.
"We are in the very early stages of determining the program requirements for an aboriginal wellness centre," she said.
"This will include looking at best practices in other jurisdictions and consulting with stakeholders. Issues related to timing, funding and specifics will not be finalized until we have more clarity on the Stanton redevelopment process."
Paulette says he has continued to receive positive feedback about plans for the wellness centre.
"They love the idea," he says. "One thing I know is the elders will not back down on this one."
Ultimately, Paulette says it will help solidify Stanton's position as a centre that unites people from across the territory.
"The Stanton Territorial Hospital is supposed to be a house for everybody in the North, so this wellness centre would be at par with the hospital. It's designed for the people of the North," he said. "It would be nice if people came forward to lend support."
The Stanton redevelopment project could take up to five years and plans currently include upgrades to the emergency department and replacement of all major building systems.