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Friday, February 6, 2015
Gas prices to rise at Co-op
The Co-op store is giving customers a heads up that its gas prices will be on the rise as of Monday.
By 11 a.m. On Feb. 9, prices will increase by five cents, according to the company Facebook page.
The price of gasoline will rise to $1.089 and the cost of diesel will go up to $1.269.
- Elaine Anselmi
Local man identified as lottery winner
Stephen Hutchinson-Sharman has been identified as the winner of $250,000 in the Jan. 17 Extra lottery draw.
The Western Canada Lottery Corporation states on its website that Hutchinson-Sharman bought his $7 ticket on the day of the draw at the Shell store on Range Lake Road. Hutchinson-Sharman stated that he is going to buy his first new car and the rest he intends to invest. He is also thinking about taking time to go back to school, he added.
- John McFadden
Aboriginal leader in Yellowknife next week
Congress of Aboriginal Peoples National Chief Betty Ann Lavallee will be in Yellowknife on Feb. 12 as part of her National Grassroots Engagement Tour.
The tour will give off-reserve aboriginal people a chance to meet with the chief and discuss issues including unemployment and the lack of affordable housing. Lavallee will also address the subject of missing and murdered aboriginal women. The 6:30 p.m. meeting is intended to be informal.
- Walter Strong
Community barbecue date narrowed down
City council discussed the options for hosting this year's Community Barbecue at the Feb. 2 Municipal Services Committee Meeting.
"Maybe pre-cook the burgers this year," said Coun. Dan Wong light-heartedly.
The menu wasn't the focus of the discussion, but potential dates for the annual event.
June 11 and 18 were popular picks among councillors.
- Elaine Anselmi
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Sled dog championship rescheduled
The 2015 Dehcho Sled Dog Championships in Fort Providence has been rescheduled to take place at the end of the month.
The event, originally scheduled to take place at the beginning of March, will now happen Friday, Feb. 27 and Saturday, Feb. 28.
The championship will feature two sets of races, a 10-dog class going 20 miles each day and a six-dog class going seven miles each day.
Housing spending announced
The GNWT and Government of Canada announced an agreement to spend a combined $18 million over five years to improve affordable housing in the territory.
The funding is an extension of the Investment in Affordable Housing agreement first signed in 2011. That initial agreement was for $11 million between 2011 and 2014 which helped 311 housing units in the territory.
“This agreement will help the Government of the Northwest Territories continue to deliver on its priority of addressing housing needs by increasing the availability of housing and housing programs across the territory,” Premier Bob McLeod stated in a news release.
GNWT seeks bids for exploration
Industry, Tourism and Investment Minister David Ramsay announced a call for bids last week on two parcels of land in the central Mackenzie Valley.
The bid process allows companies that want to bid on specific parcels of land to secure and possibly obtain an exploration licence.
That licence gives the company exclusive rights to explore the parcels covering about 161,152 hectares for oil and gas.
The successful company will be selected based only on how much it bids.
This is the first time the process has been carried out in the territory since devolution in April last year.
Budget details to be unveiled
Finance Minister Michael Miltenberger will deliver the final budget of the 17th assembly Feb. 5 in Yellowknife.
It's the final budget before the 2015 territorial general election in the fall.
It follows a consultation tour that included a stop in Fort Simpson where only three members of the public turned out to tell the minister where the government should spent its money.
Details of what's in the budget were not available by press time.
Satellite station to get new antenna
The Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) plans to increase its capacity at the Inuvik Satellite Station Facility with the addition of a new multi-mission antenna.
The expansion is driven by an increase in demand for communication with polar-orbiting satellites, normally used for Earth observation and atmospheric monitoring.
“With increased capacity at Inuvik, we will not only be able to maintain the high level of services for our current customers but we will also be able to offer our services to new customers,” said Leif Osterbo, president of SSC’s satellite management services division.
The new 13-metre antenna is expected to be fully operational late this year.
Curling territorials kick off
The 2015 NWT Curling Men's Brier Championship gets underway today at the Inuvik Curling Club.
The four-day event to determine who will represent the territory on the national stage in Calgary from Feb. 28 to March 8 will see three Inuvik teams and three Yellowknife teams face off in a round-robin format.
The three teams from Inuvik are skipped by Nick Saturnino, Larry Greenland and Dave McLeod, while the three Yellowknife teams are skipped by defending champion Jamie Koe, Greg Skauge and Steve Moss.
The Brier final is slated for Feb. 8.
Mama Mia, it's Italian
Get your Italian food fill this weekend at the Italian dinner and auction hosted by the Ladies Auxiliary in support of East Three Secondary School Art Travel Club.
Club members are on a mission to raise $80,000 for a trip to Italy next spring.
The event will take place at the Legion on Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. with silent and live auctions to be followed by dinner. Eat-in and take out are available, and gluten free and vegetarian meals can be made upon request.
Justice committee hosts boys night
The Inuvik Justice Committee is hosting a weekly boys night for youth in the community to come out and do fun activities in a boys'-only environment.
Free for boys in grades six through nine, the first weekly event was held Jan. 26 and will continue each week at the Interagency Building behind the Igloo Church from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.