Legion robbed of $60,000
Two employees of the Yellowknife establishment arrested for theft
Elaine Anselmi
Northern News Services
Published Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Funds and alcohol amounting to more than $60,000 have gone missing from the Vincent Massey branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, and two employees have been charged with theft.

A theft of more than $60,000 at the Vincent Massey branch of the Royal Canadian Legion came as a shock to branch president Lloyd Lush. - Elaine Anselmi/NNSL photo |
"It was very, very surprising," said Lloyd Lush, branch president.
"I treated them with the highest respect and I was really shocked and very surprised."
One woman, 42-year-old Mary Charles, was a full-time employee of the Legion for the past three or four years, said Lush. The other woman, 49-year-old Hellen Leaman, was a bartender at the establishment working part time.
Lush said the Legion's bookkeeper brought it to his attention about two weeks ago that there was an irregularity in the organization's finances.
"We did an audit of the past six months and then found out there was a problem in the audit of our books ... and they found something was missing," said Lush.
"I was pretty surprised, pretty shocked for someone to be doing that. I took the necessary steps immediately and called the RCMP and had them come in and investigate."
The amount of the theft could increase as final counts take place, said RCMP Const. Elenore Sturko.
"They know that it's over $60,000 but there are still more calculations being done, so there is a chance that it's more," she said.
As well as the financial statements, three surveillance cameras assisted in the investigation - one at the entrance, one in the dining area and one behind the bar.
"Once I found out there was money missing and we viewed our videos, the RCMP were called in on Thursday and they were arrested on Friday," said Lush.
Both women were charged with theft over $5,000, according to an RCMP news release. Charles and Leaman were released from custody and are set to appear in court on March 3.
"We won't be saying whether they were working together or working separately, but they are charged with that same theft," said Sturko.
This is the first incident of its kind at the Legion, Lush said, and although security measures were already in place, they will be increased.
"We will take more security measures and make sure this will never happen again," said Lush.
Whether the stolen money will be recovered and returned to the organization, Lush said would depend on the court hearing. At the moment, the loss will not prevent the branch from staying in operation, he said.
"Absolutely not. The Legion is financially stable this will not affect the (operation of the) Legion in any way, shape or form," said Lush.
Although he called the incident shocking, he was not interested in dwelling on it.
"My main concern is the Legion," said Lush.
"To keep the Legion going and to remember our veterans - that is my main concern."