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Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Giant Mine bomber's parole conditions changed
The Parole Board of Canada has changed Roger Warren's parole conditions so that he can spend an extended period away from his halfway house for medical treatment.
Warren, 71, was sentenced to life in prison in 1995 after confessing to planting a bomb that killed nine men during a bitter labour dispute at Giant Mine in 1992. An e-mail from the parole board, dated Jan. 13, indicates it authorized the leave because Warren was in hospital being treated for pneumonia and his file indicates more hospitalization will be needed for further testing.
- John McFadden
Gilday, Tagaq up for Junos
Yellowknife singer-songwriter Leela Gilday has been nominated for a Juno award for her album Heart of the People.
Gilday will be up against three other artists in the Aboriginal Album of the Year category.
Tanya Tagaq's Animism is up for alternative album of the year.
The awards will be handed out March 15 at the FirstOntario Centre in Hamilton.
- Cody Punter
Afghanistan memorial coming up
A memorial honouring members of the Canadian Armed Forces who have served in Afghanistan will be at the legislative assembly on Feb. 3.
An opening ceremony of the Afghanistan Memorial Vigil will be held at 1:30 p.m. Engraved-granite memorial plaques from the Kandahar Airfield Cenotaph are a part of the vigil.
The vigil will be open to the public from 6 to 10 p.m. on Feb. 3, and from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m from Feb. 4 to 6.
- Elaine Anselmi
Linda Bussey named deputy mayor
Councillor Linda Bussey was named deputy mayor at the Jan. 26 council meeting.
Bussey was elected to council in 2012, and has lived in Yellowknife since 1996.
Holding various positions with the GNWT, as well as with the Stanton Territorial Hospital Foundation, her career has largely focused on health and social services and human resources.
Prior to Bussey, the deputy mayor position was held by Coun. Cory Vanthuyne.
- Elaine Anselmi
Cool fundraiser
Chesterfield Inlet
About 20 players suited up for a competitive, but sometimes hilarious, hockey fundraiser in Chesterfield Inlet earlier this month.
The event saw the group pit Toronto fans against Montreal fans on the ice, with the Habs coming out on top 1514 in a wideopen contest.
The game, overseen by James Connelly, drew a good crowd in Chester, with organizers raising $500 from the $2 admission charged to watch the game.
The hockey fundraisers hope to host another Leafs vs. Habs matchup this coming week.
Call for teams
Rankin Inlet/Nunavut
The official call has gone out for teams to compete in the 2015 Avataq First Air Cup in Rankin Inlet from March 11 to 15.
Organizers are expecting 2015 to see the biggest Avataq to date, with no fewer than 10 teams competing. The team entrance fee for this year's event is $1,000 and tourney organizers must receive confirmation of entry by Feb. 20.
Each community may ice only one team with the exception of host Rankin Inlet.
The Avataq First Air Cup is a sanctioned tournament, and all players must be registered with Hockey Nunavut.
Top prizes at this year's event are $5,000 for first place, $2,500 for second and $1,000 for third.
A number of familyorientated activities will also be featured during the fiveday event, in addition to a monster bingo game on Friday, March 13, featuring a $20,000 jackpot.
Deadline nears for awards
The deadline for the Qulliit Status of Women Council's Wise Woman and Outstanding Young Woman awards is Feb. 16.
The awards are meant to honour women who are role models in their community and region, and who provide volunteer, counselling and caregiver service to others.
Each nomination must be signed by two nominators.
The winners of the two prestigious awards will be announced on March 8.
Both awards are only given to a winner once in her lifetime.
Kivalliq Cup returns
Rankin Inlet/Kivalliq
Organizers are in the process of bringing back the Kivalliq Cup oldtimers hockey tournament.
The tournament is scheduled for Feb. 6 to 8 in Rankin Inlet.
To date, two teams from the host community, as well as teams from Coral Harbour, Whale Cove and Arviat have expressed plans to compete at the event.
Driver's lesson teaches Class 1
Baker Lake
A Class 1 driver training course will be held in Baker Lake from Feb. 10 to 26.
The course is open to anyone with a valid class 3 driver's licence and standard shifting experience.
Five candidates will be selected for the training program.
Applications may be completed at the Baker Lake hamlet office.