Mother needs help visiting daughter
Fundraiser aims to send woman to Australia to see the terminally-ill 19-year-old
Cody Punter
Northern News Services
Published Friday, December 19, 2014
Yellowknifers are pooling together to try and raise money so a mother can afford to visit her terminally ill daughter in Australia.

Jenna Hagen married Alex Butchart in Australia this September. A group of Yellowknifers are trying raise money so that Jenna's mother, Janice, can fly there to see her daughter, who was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2012. - photo courtesy of Janice Hagen |
Janice Hagen's 19-year-old daughter, Jenna, has been fighting brain cancer ever since she was diagnosed with it in 2012. Although she was born and raised in Yellowknife, Jenna moved to Australia to live with her birth father and his wife several months before she knew she had cancer.
"I let her go and a few months later she called with some bad news that she was having headaches and seizures and she had a tumor," said Janice, who moved to Edmonton to study three years ago.
Despite receiving numerous treatments and three brain surgeries to remove tumors over the past three years the cancer has persisted. After her most recent operation in September, doctors said they are not going to perform anymore brain surgeries.
"What they're saying right now is it's unstoppable," she said.
With the help of her father who lent her some money, Janice was able to visit Jenna when she was first diagnosed with cancer. However, a busy schedule and a lack of funds have kept her from returning to visit her since. This evening some of Janice's friends will be hosting a fundraiser at the Black Knight pub at 6:30 p.m. to raise money so that Janice can fly over to see Jenna before her condition deteriorates any further.
"I guess the common goal is to get Janice over there to be able to spend time with her before she might leave this Earth," said Joe MacIntosh, a friend of Janice's, who is helping organize the fundraiser. "We've got lots of support and lots of contributions for the auction."
Among some of the items that will be up for auction are several works which have been donated by local artists, including one piece by MacIntosh's brother Nick. Janice said she has been touched by the outpouring of support she has received from Yellowknifers, despite the fact she now lives in Edmonton.
"Yellowknifers always come together to help other people," she said. "I've always loved Yellowknife for that reason."
Jenna married her boyfriend, whom she met in Australia, earlier than expected because the original September date conflicted her most recent surgery.
"I'm glad the she's found true love and that she's truly happy," Janice said.
Despite the challenges Jenna has faced, Janice said she is trying her hardest to be optimistic. Although she was unable to make it over to Australia for the ceremony, Janice said she hopes she will be able to visit Jenna sooner rather than later.
"I'm so proud of her, and her strength, and who she's become," she said. "She's quite the lady."