Rummage sale supports sport
East Three senior boys soccer team starts fundraising for the season
Elaine Anselmi
Northern News Services
Published Thursday, December 18, 2014
Fundraising has kicked off for the senior boys soccer team at East Three Secondary School with a rummage sale.

Senior boys soccer coach Matthew Miller, left, and wife Meghan hosted a table with daughters Molly, left, and Mia at the team's rummage sale on Dec. 6. - Elaine Anselmi/NNSL photo
Members of the community were invited to gather up their unwanted goods and take up a table at the sale held on Dec. 6 in the school gym.
"This is the first year we've done a rummage sale," said coach Colin Pybus.
"It's an idea other groups have done around town, so I thought it would be something different for us, going into the Christmas season."
The team raised money by renting out tables for $20, with 15 taken in total. Money raised from the sale of goods was kept by the seller. For the team's first fundraising effort this year, Pybus said $300 was a good start.
The money will go towards tournaments and travel expenses which can be between $3,000 and $5,000 for each tournament, said Pybus.
"The major thing for the soccer team that this will go towards is to travel to Super Soccer," Pybus said, adding that they have until the end of April to raise funds for the territorial school championships held in Yellowknife.
"The team needs to raise close to $10,000 to go."
The Inuvik team has won the tournament for the past two years and both Pybus and co-coach Matthew Miller said they are looking to three-pete.
Both coaches sold off some of their own used goods at the rummage sale, alongside school staff and community members.
"It's the perfect way to get rid of some stuff and support the team," said Miller.
Fundraising is the first step to getting the team their third championship and the coaches are confident in their ability to take the title.
"We're going for our third championship," said Miller. "It's almost guaranteed if we can get down there."