Gifts from St. Joseph school
Christian Leadership Team delivers Christmas to needy families
Evan Kiyoshi French
Northern News Services
Published Thursday, December 11, 2014
Being able to give to needy families makes Chinelle Besarra feel really happy.

Members of St. Joseph school's christian leadership team collected 100 boxes filled with toys and household items to be delivered to needy families by the St. Vincent De Paul Society.
The 12-year-old member of St. Joseph School's Christian Leadership Team (CLT) said people who don't usually get the things she does during the holiday season will be getting shoe-boxes filled with soup, lotion, shampoo, small toys and even bibles as part of an extra-curricular program run by teachers Susan Franklin, Janessa Kerr, and Debra McGee.
Franklin said 35 students of all ages helped to gather or purchase household items they could afford to give to the St. Vincent De Paul Society, who would distribute the more than 100 shoe-boxes to needy families around town. Lara Escalante, 12, another CLT member, said she's been going to church since she was much younger, and has always wanted to be a part of the charitable kids club.
"It makes me feel really nice," said Escalante. "Knowing these people who get these gifts have a really good Christmas every year."
Besarra said she noticed signs advertising the club posted around the school. When she heard about the club during morning announcements, she decided to join up.
"I wanted to learn more about God and get closer to him," she said.