The Grinch returns!
Arviat prepares for third battle with would-be Christmas thief
Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Published Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Something mean and green is heading Arviat's way, and it's up to no good!

The next Grinch generation will be up to no good this coming month after, from left, Pongo (Jimmy Napayok), Grinch (Daniel Alagalak), Bongo (Mark Shamee) and Max the Dog (Doyle Kowtak), were caught on tape robbing the Who family during their 2007 visit to Arviat. - photo courtesy of Gord Billard |
The Grinch and his two motley associates will hit the stage at John Arnalukjuak High School (JAHS) this coming month, hoping to spoil the Christmas holiday season for Arviat residents of all ages.
This will mark the third time the school drama club will present its version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, having performed the crowd-pleasing story in 2003 at the former Qitiqliq High School and again in 2007 at JAHS.
Director Gord Billard said the cast has been rehearsing for nearly two months and, for the most part, are off-script and ready for their audience.
He said getting the famous Grinch set put in place is the last hurdle for the production.
"Our drama club had been tackling serious social issues like drugs, suicide and bullying for quite awhile now," said Billard.
"Then one evening I was talking to a newspaper editor I know, and he suggested it may be time to lighten it up a bit and, maybe, even bring back the Grinch.
"I mentioned it to the students and they jumped at the opportunity.
"We had a lot of fun getting some good laughs out of the Cinderella shows, which we want to continue, and the Grinch seems like a good place to start."
Billard said the Grinch has long been a popular figure in Arviat, and the students are excited to be bringing him back.
He said figuring out a way to, once again, have Mount Crumpet as a focal point of the show is, pretty much, a necessity.
"This year we're looking at putting it right smack-dab in the middle of the theatre, at the back.
"It will be right at the top of the mezzanine, if you're standing on the stage and looking straight ahead, so the audience will have to turn around and look up to see where the Grinch is going to be. We may also cordon off a lane, if you will, for the Grinch to come down over the steps.
"We have a lot of changes with this show, especially with the music, which will feature a song done to the tune of Roy Orbison's Pretty Woman that our music director, Curtis Metcalf, came up with."
Billard said the cast is set, with Justin Suluk starring as the Grinch.
He said the other two main characters - unique to the Arviat production - will feature two girls in the roles of Bongo (Robyn Koomak) and Pongo (Lucy Aulatjut).
"The kids are about 90 per cent off-script, and we're really focused on getting the songs down now. The big thing, however, that we have to get on the go right now, is the set because it's a prop-heavy play. We have to paint the flats, and set up the chimney for the Grinch and his two helpers to be sucked up in a really neat special effect.
"We plan to have our first show during the second week of December, and we'll be releasing the official dates and times shortly."