Looking for a fresh focus
NTI candidate from Kivalliq looks to connect with youth, small communities
Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Published Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Douglas Aggark of Chesterfield Inlet has the double distinction of being the youngest and only Kivalliq candidate in the Dec. 8 election for Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.'s (NTI) vice-president position.

Janice Issaluk wishes Douglas Aggark of Chesterfield Inlet good luck in his bid to become Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.'s vice-president in the Dec. 8 election. - photo courtesy of Glen Brocklebank |
And both his age and home community could play important roles in the upcoming NTI election.
Aggark, 23, is Chester's senior administration officer (SAO).
He is campaigning under the banner of a fresh focus being needed in Nunavut.
The young SAO sees the importance of youth getting more involved in the leadership process, rather than typically shying away from politics.
Aggark said convincing more youths to have a say in who makes the decisions affecting their lives will be a major focus for him on the campaign trail.
He said he also hopes to connect with beneficiary voters in Nunavut's numerous small communities, many of which have the same priorities.
"When I say we need more youths involved in these activities, I'm not just talking about seeing more youths run in elections," said Aggark. "That would be a good thing, but I want to see more youths get involved by understanding the issues and, most importantly, voting!
"About 60 per cent of Nunavut today is under the age of 25 and, if our youths want to see changes, they have the power, big time, to vote for the person they believe in.
"I have a campaign page on Facebook - people can find it by searching Douglas for Nunavut Tunngavik vice-president - that shows them my ideas."
As for major issues, Aggark said, if elected, two of his priorities would be poverty reduction and mental health.
He said poverty reduction has been talked about for a long time, and he will work hard to help reduce poverty in Nunavut.
"I also want to work on getting effective programs in place to help with mental health and suicide issues. We have too many people who suffer from mental health issues, or are having suicidal thoughts, and they're not getting the help they need.
"I want to be part of the solution for these issues."
Campaigning for an elected NTI position when you live in a small community like Chester is tough sledding at the best of times.
Aggark faces even more of a challenge, having decided to become a candidate at the last minute.
He said he will make the best of the time he has until Dec. 8, focusing on the communities he can make connections with.
"I'm starting my campaign in my home community and Whale Cove, and then I plan to focus on the smaller communities, before I get to the bigger communities.
"The smaller communities have a bigger impact on elections than many people might think.
"I want to visit all the Kivalliq communities because, being from the region, I want every community to know where I stand on its concerns.
"And, being from a small community, I know what it's like to be forgotten by our leaders after an election."