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Friday, July 4, 2014
Black gold for sale
Ecology North will be hosting its annual soil sale this Saturday afternoon at the city's solid waste facility.
The sale will go from noon until 5 p.m., with compost to be priced depending on the size of the load.
Gardeners are asked to bring their shovels, buckets and bags.
Those purchasing soil do not need to go through the weigh station in order to access the dump, according to Craig Scott, executive director of Ecology North. Scott added there will be signs to mark the way.
- Cody Punter
City hall art display
The foyer at city hall is getting a bit of a facelift.
The city's heritage committee has joined together with fine arts instructor Landon Peters and the Art 20/30 group to display a series of impressionist landscape paintings at city hall over the coming weeks.
The works depict prominent natural and structural features of some of Yellowknife's most scenic spots.
Residents are invited to come by city hall during business hours to view the display.
- Cody Punter
Construction begins on 52 Avenue
Road reconstruction has now begun on 52 Avenue.
According to the The City of Yellowknife website construction stretches from 49 Street to 56 Street.
The work includes asphalt and curb removal and reinstallation. Raised bicycle lanes are also being built on that stretch of 52 Avenue. The city says the avenue will remain open to traffic, but with limited access.
- John McFadden
Time to read
The Yellowknife Public Library is inviting children ages three to 12 years old to join the 2014 Summer Reading Club.
The theme this year is Funny Business.
According to the City of Yellowknife website, children will receive a kit to keep track of their reading. They are able to attend the program every week and will receive stickers and be entered for prizes.
The sessions for children aged three to five are held Wednesday mornings from 10 to 11 a.m.
Children aged six to nine attend Thursday mornings from 10 until 11 a.m. Nine to 12-year-olds participate Thursday afternoons from 2 until 3 p.m..
- John McFadden
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Forest fires continue
In the span of a week, only one new forest fire was reported in the Deh Cho.
The region had 11 fires as of June 30, one more than it had on June 22. Four of the fires were out while five were being monitored and two were under control. The fires had covered 4,498 hectares.
At the beginning of the week, the Deh Cho, which doesn't include Fort Providence or Kakisa, had the fourth lowest number of forest fires in the NWT, trailing the Sahtu by one.
The North Slave and South Slave have been the most affected by forest fires this year with 36 and 32 fires respectively.
Pool opens
After three summers, Fort Providence residents have a local pool to swim in again.
The re-opening of the community swimming pool was one of the Canada Day activities scheduled to take place in the hamlet July 1. The hamlet undertook major renovations last summer to correct the pool's original inadequate ventilation system that allowed mould to grow in the building.
The mould was cleaned up by a specialized company and all of the flooring and some of the wall components were removed and replaced. The ventilation and mechanical systems were also upgraded.
To celebrate the re-opening, a free swim was scheduled to be held at the pool from 2 to 10 p.m., with a short break for supper, after some opening remarks by Mayor Tina Gargan.
Summertime fun
The Open Doors Society started its annual summer program in Fort Simpson on June 30.
The program will run until July 11. This year, there is a new session for children ages five and under on Mondays to Fridays from 10 a.m. to noon in the upstairs of the recreation centre. The regular program for youth ages six to 12 will run every weekday at the same time and again from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., both in the recreation centre and in Bompas Elementary School.
The activities are offered on a first come, first serve basis and are capped at 19 participants. Children under the age of five must be accompanied by an adult or caregiver.
New service for fishing licences
Residents and visitors can now purchase sport fishing licences online.
The service on the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) website allows people to purchase or renew and print the licences and reprint a lost or damaged licence. People can also register for special management area endorsement on their licences.
Huge garage sale on tap
A community tailgate sale will likely draw hundreds of people to the Midnight Sun Recreation Complex parking lot July 5.
The annual sale encourages residents to bring their unwanted items to sell from their vehicles or tables provided for them.
Brothers place top two
The official results from the Midnight Sun Fun Run held June 21 show that several East Three school athletes, particularly from the track and field team, did quite well in the five-km race.
Alex Skinner finished in the top spot of the five-kilometre race in a time of 22:43. His brother Matthew Skinner wasn't far behind with a time of 23:32. Darcie Setzer finished third in 24:16.
The 10-kilometre race was won by Julian MacLean in 35:42. Robert Strong finished in 38:20, while Scott Young had a time of 39:26.
The signature race, the half-marathon, was won by Patrick March in 1:36:57.
Andrew Haas finished in 1:37:25. Brent Moreau came third in 1:39:41.
Exhibits at airport
The Inuvik airport has a new attraction for anyone interested in art. As part of a GNWT initiative to promote NWT arts and crafts, Industry, Tourism and Investment deputy minister Peter Vician unveiled a display at the Inuvik airport June 25, one of six displays that have been created and installed in NWT airports.
The displays, made possible in partnership with the Department of Transportation, are also located in Norman Wells, Fort Simpson, Hay River, Fort Smith and Yellowknife.
The airport displays are comprised of a mounted flat-screen monitor surrounded by a stylized graphic border containing information about local arts, artists and the NWT Arts Program.
Cyclist hit by truck
RCMP in Inuvik are looking for the driver of a red pickup truck who might have been a part of an accident involving a cyclist on Sunday.
The incident occurred at approximately 4:30 p.m. in front of Mac’s News Stand, according to an RCMP press release.
The pickup is described as an older model with an open box and possibly carrying tires in the back. At the time of the accident, the vehicle was occupied by a male driver and a female passenger. The male driver has grey hair and is of slim build. The woman passenger has brown hair, curly at the end, and is also of slim build. Both occupants are estimated to be older than 50 years of age.
The occupants attended to the young person, but their identities are unknown to the police at this point.
The young female was treated for minor injuries and was released immediately.