Preserving Yk1's history
District to build a time capsule as part of 75th anniversary celebrations to be opened in 25 years
Candace Thomson
Northern News Services
Published Tuesday, May 13, 2014
One student at Sir John Franklin High School has come up with an idea to commemorate his school district's 75th anniversary.

William McDonald Middle School principal Rachelle Simmons stands by a time capsule in November 2012, which was opened after 30 years. A time capsule is being put together at Sir John Franklin High School which will feature artifacts depicting Yellowknife Education District No. 1 as it is now. The capsule will be completed by the second week of June and reopened during the district's centennial anniversary 25 years from now. - NNSL file photo
Ian Dayagbil, the high school's student council president, came up with the idea after seeing Yellowknife Education District No. 1 unveil its large banner celebrating the anniversary and decided that a time capsule, put together over the next few weeks and sealed mid-June, would be the best way to honour it.
"It's something that happens in movies, and a cool project to do," he said. "I thought it would kind of be appropriate since time capsules happen to commemorate an event."
John Stephenson, chair of the Yk1 board of trustees, said he was also excited about the project.
"It's a wonderful way to celebrate Yk1 and our anniversary," he said. "It'll let future students and staff see what the district was like in 2014."
Dayagbil, getting help from his vice-principal Al MacDonald and the rest of the student council, said he is looking into either building the capsule or purchasing one for the district.
Yk1 schools have been invited to come up with artifacts to put into the capsule that reflect their school, as well as different student organizations at the high school and other schools. Community organizations have also been alerted and are welcome to submit artifacts.
"We're also looking for sponsors or donations from prominent businesses and organizations in Yellowknife to help with the capsule," said Dayagbil.
Submissions will be accepted until May 30, and can be submitted by contacting the school or Dayagbil, he said.
"We're looking for historical articles from current times, stories of current events, thoughts on what Yk1 will be like 25 years from now, and just placing things in that represent this year," said Dayagbil.
"I've discussed it with the grad council and we may place something inside (from the Class of 2014), but we haven't really finalized anything yet."
The capsule will be opened during Yk1's 100th anniversary celebrations in 2039.