Enterprise extends its co-management agreement
GNWT and hamlet give two more months to accomplish goals
Paul Bickford
Northern News Services
Published Monday, May 12, 2014
An arrangement is being extended under which the Hamlet of Enterprise gets GNWT help to run community affairs.
The co-management agreement between the hamlet and the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA) will run for an extra two months.
"There is a mutual agreement between all parties," said Mayor John Leskiw II of the extension.
The co-management agreement was initially established in mid-February and was to expire on May 31, although there was always the possibility of an extension.
Under the agreement, MACA and the council worked together to find an interim senior administrative officer (SAO) and pass a budget and capital plan by March 31.
However, there are other goals yet to be accomplished by council and interim SAO John McKee, who will remain in Enterprise during the extension.
"A couple of the other big things that he was working on were helping them do their recruiting for a permanent SAO, which they've been working on but haven't been successful yet. He was also tasked with trying to set up some governance workshops and some work on the council procedures bylaw," said Eleanor Young, assistant deputy minister with MACA.
Young said the department is pleased with the progress so far, but believes an extension of the co-management agreement is necessary to accomplish the other goals.
"It just made sense to propose extending the agreement," she said, adding it is hoped that two more months will be enough.
Enterprise council unanimously passed a motion May 5 to accept the extension, although Leskiw said a formal document has not yet been signed with MACA.
"I originally requested at least one more month, and they suggested two because that gives them extra time to set up the courses they're supposed to give us," the mayor said.
Leskiw said the co-management agreement has worked well, and is speeding up how things are happening in the community.
Over the next two months, the mayor said he would like to convince McKee to stay even longer, although he doesn't know if that will be possible.
McKee declined to comment on the extension of the co-management agreement.
The agreement was established to help overcome dysfunction at the Hamlet of Enterprise, which included persistent disagreements among council members. The agreement was announced just days after the hamlet and its former SAO parted ways.
Prior to the agreement, MACA representatives had been attending council meetings since October to offer guidance on how the council could function better.