Drunk man who stole cab fined
Judge scolds man for dangerous driving, imposes probation instead of more jail time
Daniel Campbell
Northern News Services
Published Saturday, April 5, 2014
A drunk man who stole a cab in December, driving it erratically at high speeds through city streets, was fined $1,760 and sentenced to 18 months probation on Thursday, after already spending 107 days in jail.

Anthony Wayne King was sentenced on Thursday for stealing a cab and recklessly driving it around town. He was found to have over twice the legal limit of alcohol in his blood after his arrest. - NNSL file photo
Anthony Wayne King, 26, pleaded guilty in territorial court to charges of impaired driving, dangerous driving and taking a vehicle without consent.
According to a statement of facts read to the court in January, RCMP began receiving calls about an out-of-control city cab rear ending a vehicle in the Niven Lake area around 7:40 a.m. on Dec. 11.
As the cab careened around town, more people called RCMP, concerned about children in the area.
Using the GPS inside the cab, RCMP located the vehicle outside the downtown Reddi-Mart and flicked on their sirens.
The cab kept driving, and King eventually got out and ran into a wooded area. RCMP found him lying in the snow in some bushes shortly after and arrested him.
A breathalyzer test revealed King had more than twice the legal limit of alcohol in his blood.
The owner of the cab estimates King did $3,382 of damage to the vehicle.
Crown prosecutor Jennifer Mickelson said King was a "danger to the public" and noted a pre-sentence report suggesting he has a problem with drugs and alcohol.
Mickelson suggested the judge put King behind bars for three to five months, fine him $1,300 to $1,500, and place him on probation for 18 to 24 months to pay off the fine and seek counselling. She noted King's criminal record, which she said is already quite lengthy.
King's defence lawyer, Gary Wool, said his client has been in custody since his arrest on Dec. 11 and had no problems with the Crown's suggestions.
He added King had been taking part in alcohol counselling at the North Slave Correctional Centre and has potential to be employed as a carpenter when he gets out.
King took the opportunity to apologize to the cab owner, RCMP and the public in court.
Judge Bernadette Schmaltz scolded King, saying "thank goodness" he wasn't before her for a more serious charge, like dangerous driving causing death.
"You do have a problem with alcohol and drugs," she said, noting his criminal record and history of intoxication.
"You're too young to have that kind of a record."
She sentenced him to the time he'd already served in jail, plus $1,200 for his impaired driving charge and a further $560 in mandatory victim of crime surcharges.
Schmaltz also ordered King pay back the cab owner for the damage he caused. During his 18 month probation, which Schmaltz ordered, he'll also be prohibited from driving.
-- with files from Erin Steele