30 years in the making
Fort Simpson author publishes second children's book
Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services
Published Thursday, April 24, 2014
What started 30 years ago as a story to teach her own children to care for their toys has become a Fort Simpson author's second published book.

Author Victoria Phillips of Fort Simpson holds Patches the giraffe, her company's mascot, and her second children's book, The Bedtime Story, which was released earlier this spring. - Roxanna Thompson/NNSL photo
Victoria Phillips developed the plot of The Bedtime Story while picking up after her five children. She didn't find time to put the story to paper, however, until a few years ago with retirement nearing.
"I'm really excited," said Phillips, about finally having the story published.
Although she started writing this book first, Phillips self-published Why is There a Raisin in my Meatloaf? first in June 2013. Having the experience of the first book allowed Phillips to come back and make changes to the plot and illustrations of The Bedtime Story, that she says have made it a stronger work.
"It was something I really wanted to come out really well," she said.
You want to make each book as appealing, if not more, than the last one, she said. Phillips also wants to avoid falling into a familiar storyline with each of her books.
"You are always trying to improve on everything you do."
The Bedtime Story has a new cast of characters and features an appearance by Patches the giraffe, her company's mascot. The book is about a girl named Tori learning that there are consequences to her actions and that she should care for the things she has, including her toys.
"The emotions are what is great about the book," Phillips said.
Children's faces change as they react to the different emotions in the story, she said. All of the children that Phillips has read the book to have had similar stories about their toys that they wanted to share.
"It's great to see the connection they have," she said.
The Bedtime Story came out as a softcover and e-book Feb. 3. Phillips received her first order of 50 books a month later and has already sold out. She has ordered an additional 60 books.
Her audience has included local residents who also purchased her first book, family and friends, and some overseas sales. Phillips said she finds it exciting that she now has followers, including people who are looking to collect each of her books.
For The Bedtime Story, Phillips worked with the same illustrator who did her earlier book, Christina Schofield.
"She told me she thinks they are the best illustrations she's done to date," Phillips said.
Phillips has been receiving a lot of compliments on how bright and colorful the illustrations are.
It's a long process to put together a book. Phillips said it takes her about a year after the initial writing is finished to make revisions to the text, illustrations and editing so the finished book looks exactly like she wants it to.
"It's a really team effort to put together the completed product," she said.
In spite of the workload, Phillips has already begun her third book, which will be a departure from her earlier works. I Love Boxes is a rhyming book that Phillips hopes to publish next year.