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Friday, April 18, 2014
British delegation visits Yellowknife
A group of British MPs, led by the Rt Hon. Anne McGuire (Labour) was in Yellowknife last week as part of a delegation of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
During their visit, McGuire and two Conservative Party MPs spent time learning about some of the political and social issues facing the GNWT and Canada.
They spent April 10 at the legislative assembly listening to presentations on topics such as devolution, climate change and aboriginal rights as well a presentation from acting clerk Collette Langlois on consensus government entitled "inside the sausage maker."
- Cody Punter
Skating season winds down
Outdoor rinks maintained by the city closed down for the rest of the season yesterday, except for the rink outside city hall.
The city maintains six outdoor rinks spread across town at Tommy Forrest Ball Park, Olexin Park, Forrest Drive Park, Jeske Crescent and School Draw Park, as well as the still-open rink and oval on Frame Lake.
- Daniel Campbell
Easter trail open
The city is transforming the McMahon Frame Lake Trail into an Easter wonderland with the help of students from Yellowknife's schools who have contributed eggs and bunnies they designed.
The artwork will remain on the trail until April 22. The Easter Bunny is also expected to make a visit to the trail Sunday morning.
- Cody Punter
Whirlwind for Michael Gilday
Yellowknife's Michael Gilday has been a busy boy this week after coming home April 6.
After taking some time to see his family, the Olympian has been doing plenty of stuff he said he "would've done anyway," such as skiing with young members of the Yellowknife Ski Club on Tuesday, joining a spin class at the Racquet Club on Wednesday, jumping rope with students at J.H. Sissons School yesterday and going out for a skate with the Yellowknife Speed Skating Club yesterday as well.
- James McCarthy
Thursday, April 17, 2014
New website to book campgrounds
The territorial government has launched a new website for booking camping spots in NWT parks.
The site was scheduled to open and be ready for taking reservations April 15.
The site is expected to be more user friendly and includes more search capabilities and details about individual camp sites.
Users are now able to book multiple sites in different campgrounds in one transaction.
Before using the site, people will have to create a new account because passwords and user names from the previous system no longer work.
Most territorial parks open May 15. Campers are encouraged to book early.
Fort Liard waxes poetic
In celebration of National Poetry Month, Acho Dene Koe First Nation is holding a poetry contest.
The contest is open to all ages and there are categories for youth, teens and adults. The prize for each category is a Kobo tablet.
Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. April 30 at the First Nation's office. Entries must include the poet's name, age and contact information. If enough poems are received, they may be included in a book.
Organizers prep for golf season
The Seven Spruce Golf Course has changed the date and location of its annual general meeting.
The meeting will now be held on April 30 at 7 p.m. in the community hall at the Fort Simpson recreation centre. In addition to the election of the executive and board of directors, the working meeting following the AGM will also cover this year's tournament schedule and any planned improvements to the course.
Fort Simpson on the hunt
The Open Doors Society is holding its annual Easter Egg hunt next week.
The event will take place from 1 to 3 p.m. around the picnic shelter in the Fort Simpson Territorial Park April 21. There will be an egg hunt, a variety of games for children, food, prizes and a raffle for four Easter baskets.
Families are encouraged to attend the event together.
In Fort Liard, Acho Dene Koe First Nation and Community Justice were sponsoring an Easter egg hunt and more April 17.
The event was scheduled to run from 4 to 8 p.m. at Echo Dene School and include supper, games and a dance in addition to the egg hunt.
Town launches contest
It's not too early to start thinking about the Midnight Sun Fun Run, according to the Town of Inuvik.
The town's recreation staff has launched a contest for residents to submit suggestions for a new logo for one of the summer's signature events.
Recreation co-ordinator Steve Krug said he's excited about the contest and organizing the event for the first time. He's still relatively new to his position. Krug said he's also giving some thought to possibly adding a full marathon to the event.
Entries will be taken until May 9.
Hockey season not over
The town's recreation department continues with what is shaping up to be a busy spring and early summer season by organizing a ball hockey tournament for May 15 to 18.
The teams will play four-on-four, plus a goalie.
The format for the tournament will be a double-knockout style. A location hasn't been announced, but will likely be the Midnight Sun Recreation Complex.
As well, recreation services is holding a squash tournament from May 8 to 11 at the squash courts at the recreation centre.
Sharon Firth holding clinics
Sharon Firth is returning to Inuvik for the next two weekends to hold cross-country ski clinics with the Inuvik Ski Club.
Firth, a noted international skiing star and Olympian, along with her late sister Shirley, was among the first Canadians to make a mark on Nordic skiing. Both Sharon and her sister were members of Canada's national cross-country team for 17 years. Between them, they won 79 medals at national championships, and both competed in four Winter Olympic Games.
She will be working with adults on a waxing clinic April 19, and with the Jackrabbits program April 20.
NWT payments go online
Residents of the NWT can now use online banking to pay their property taxes, student loans, land leases or any other invoice coming from the GNWT.
"Making it easier for people to do business with us is a priority for our government," said Finance Minister Michael Miltenberger in a news release. "We continue to look at ways to use technology to improve access to programs and services, reduce red tape and connect with citizens both through our service innovation strategy and as part of our ongoing program delivery."
Payments can be made through any of five major banks and daily notifications to GNWT customers will be made.