Firefighters recognize their own
Awards ceremony held for Fort Simpson volunteers
Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services
Published Thursday, March 6, 2014
The Fort Simpson Fire Department took a break Feb. 26 from training, ambulance calls and the occasional fire to recognize the achievements of its members.

Fort Simpson volunteer Fire Chief Roger Pilling, left, and the assistant fire marshall for the Deh Cho region Travis Wright, right, presented Scott Whitmore with a 2013 NWT Fire Service Merit Award during the Fort Simpson Volunteer Fire Department's firefighter award reception Feb. 26. - Roxanna Thompson/NNSL photo
The department applauded 13 members during its firefighter award reception. Calvin Spencer, Aaron Donohue, Caitlin Blyth, Pam FitzRoy, Dean Austin, Garry Murtsell and Brian Pearce were each presented with the Fire Marshall's Office years of service pins for two years with the department. Lionel Nadia received a five-year pin while Fire Chief Roger Pilling was recognized for 25 years and Deputy Fire Chief Pat Rowe for 30. Two of the department's auxillary members, Brian Jaffray and Kirby Groat, both received recognition for 20 years.
Travis Wright, the assistant fire marshall for the Deh Cho region, called Rowe and Pilling the "dynamic duo."
"They're been holding this place together for a number of years," he said.
In addition to providing leadership in the village, Rowe and Pilling have also been bringing the perspective of Fort Simpson and smaller Deh Cho communities to meetings where programs and standards for fire departments across the NWT are being set, Wright said.
During the awards ceremony, a special presentation was also made to Scott Whitmore. Whitmore was given a 2013 NWT Fire Service Merit Award.
The awards are given to firefighters or fire departments who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in the territory. Pilling nominated Whitmore for the award.
"I thought Scott was a very deserving candidate," Pilling said.
Whitmore, who joined the department almost five years ago, has stepped forward in the last few years to do a lot of administrative work including developing a maintenance tracking program for the department's self-contained breathing apparatuses (SCBAs). If something needs to be fixed, Whitmore looks after it, he said.
Whitmore has also put a lot of time and focus into developing a training program for the department, said Wright. Wright was part of the seven-member panel that decided the 2013 award winners.
"It's a pretty prestigious award," he said.
After receiving the plaque, Whitmore said that he appreciated the nomination, especially since it came from Pilling who does so much for the department. Whitmore said he was accepting the award on behalf of the whole department and the additional work that so many of the members do.
The department currently has 26 members and four auxiliary, the most that Pilling has seen in his 25 years. It means there are more people to respond to ambulance calls and any fires that may happen. Larger groups also make for better training sessions, he said.
Last year was a very busy year for the department. They responded to 155 ambulance and 10 fire calls. The members volunteered 2,024 hours.
So far this year, the members have done 26 ambulance and one fire call and volunteered 243 hours.