Condo fire at Range Lake
Sparks ignite small blaze as workers repair damaged electrical line
Daniel Campbell
Northern News Services
Published Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Yellowknife firefighters responded to a fire in a Range Lake condominium unit Monday afternoon, stopping the blaze from reaching nearby units.

A fire in the attic of this Gold City Court condominium caused about $10,000 in damage Monday afternoon. Sparks from a damaged electrical line started the small blaze. - Daniel Campbell/NNSL photo |
In a press release, Darcy Hernblad, Yellowknife's fire chief, stated the small fire was started as contractors were repairing a damaged electrical line. Sparks from the line ignited the blaze.
The contractors were working on the condominium's electrical and plumbing systems at the time.
The flames, had they had a chance to grow larger, could have easily spread between the densely-packed units of Gold City Court off Range Lake Road.
"Even though in between each unit there's a fire separation ... those fire separations are only rated for a certain period of time," Hernblad said to Yellowknifer.
Firefighters responded to a report of smoke around 4 p.m. Monday. Crews noticed smoke venting from the attic space and, upon investigation, found a small fire inside. They quickly confined the fire with a water and foam mixture. Hernblad said firefighters then used a thermal imaging camera to check for more burning embers in the attic.
The fire was extinguished almost immediately after firefighters arrived, but Hernblad said crews stayed on scene another 45 minutes to check the attic for hot spots.
The residence was unoccupied aside from the contractors. Hernblad said the damage to the unit is estimated to be approximately $10,000.
Hernblad added the contractors fought hard suppressing the fire with extinguishers before the fire division arrived.
"They made a huge difference for us," he said.
Seven firefighters working out of a pumper truck, ambulance, utility truck and command unit responded, as well as city bylaw officers for traffic control.