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To Asia with love Yellowknifer - Wednesday, February 5, 2014
The sudden mini-deluge of Chinese tourists to Yellowknife is no mere happy accident, but a lucky occurrence nonetheless that should be cultivated carefully.
The state of Aurora tourism to the North appeared grim following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The number of Japanese visitors plummeted by 65 per cent that winter, which took years to recover. Now, not only are the Japanese coming back, but also Chinese visitors are starting to come - a potentially much larger and lucrative market.
The number of Chinese visitors is still comparatively small - about 300 this winter in a market that brought more than 6,700 aurora visitors in 2011-2012 - yet, considering that it is the most populous country on the planet, there is no reason to believe it will remain this small for long.
The key comes in preparing for it. Yellowknife's strength is its superior northern lights, highly prized in many Asian cultures. The city's cold, mostly cloudless winter nights means more opportunities to view them. The city's weaknesses are its lack of tourism infrastructure, and the distance and cost of coming here.
Yellowknife Tours Ltd. operator Angela Law has a card up her sleeve. Because her family speaks Mandarin and Cantonese she can more easily access the Chinese market and guide Chinese tourists in their native tongue when they arrive. This makes visitors more comfortable when so far away from home, she said.
The fact that the Red Apple restaurant was one of the stops for a Hong Kong tour group here during the lunar New Year's celebrations suggests she has the right idea, but as history has demonstrated following Sept. 11, 2001, success can be a fickle thing.
Tourists of all kinds have complained about the lack of signage and poor customer service in town. These are areas that still require improvement. A few signs around downtown and Old Town directing visitors in Japanese and some of the Chinese dialects would be a nice addition to the city and help make these visitors feel welcome.
Yellowknife is a diverse community except for its economy, which relies heavily on mining and government. Local governments and tourism operators will have to work hard to grow its still mostly untapped tourism potential.
Crowdfunding – a win for artists and admirers Yellowknifer - Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Leela Gilday, Yellowknife's own multi-award-winning singer-songwriter, and her peers, such as Tanya Tagaq, are a long way away from the days of depending on tyrannical record labels and capricious talent scouts to get their groove out.
In fact, thanks to the Internet and social networks, the only limits to their success - depending on your definition of success - is their stamina and their talent.
The new wave of artists, of whatever genre, is turning to crowdfunding, or crowdsource fundraising, which calls on fans to help fund their projects. In 2010, $89 million was raised through this ingenious technique. In 2013, the industry was predicted to generate $5.1 billion in fan-sourced funds. Everyone's doing it, reaching out through Internet sites such as IndieGoGo and Kickstarter - there were more than 450 platforms as of 2012. Even big-name artists, such as filmmaker Spike Lee or performer Amanda Palmer, are taking advantage.
This method of artist survival - let's face it, not everyone is Spike Lee working on a passion project - goes way back to the days when painters, bards and wits depended on the kindness of affluent patrons for food and board.
But, with crowdfunding, anyone can support the passion projects of the creatives they believe in, no need for millions. A donation to a project can yield a copy of the CD, or tickets to a performance. The variations are endless and virtually limitless, as limitless as the imagination.
Gilday, for example, is offering an advanced signed copy, voice lessons and personal house concerts - there's one left of those. So far she has raised more $10,000 toward the estimated budget of $39,526.37, which will be devoted to production and manufacturing, including studio time and professional fees.
Everyone wins with this exciting process of art-making, without lining the pockets of middlemen.
Taking it regional Editorial Comment by Darrell Greer Kivalliq News -Wednesday, February 5, 2014
While there's been much attention focused on Northern artists during the past year, and rightly so, millions of people across Canada and the United States have been doing some glorious musical dinosaur hunting during the same period.
And they've been reaping hefty rewards.
There is a magical window still open that every Northern resident who travels south, at all, during the year, should try to look through before it closes forever.
This window not only provides a multi-generational view into the most prolific era of musical progression, it is, for all intensive purposes, the first and last of its kind.
Once shut, there will never be another like it for as long as music is played.
Every generation has its own music, or, at least, musical stylings.
But a number of the true pioneers of the evolution of such genres as rock without the roll, hardrock, heavy metal, country rock and electric rhythm and blues are on the road for one last kick, or two, at the musical can.
Although missing an original member here or there with some groups, such musical royalty as the Rolling Stones, Fleetwood Mac, Deep Purple, AC/DC, the Eagles, Moody Blues, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Alice Cooper, Aerosmith, Ritchie Blackmore, Roger Waters and Carlos Santana and, yes, even Kiss, can still be seen in concert.
But time is running out!
Even the granddaddy of every kid who ever fell in love with a power chord or thunderous riff, Black Sabbath, can't go on forever, even if their 2013 studio release, 13, put the vast majority of today's metal artists to shame.
Anyone who attends a concert, or purchases a "live" blu-ray or dvd by one of these groups, is immediately struck by the range of age in attendance, from pre-pubescence teenyboppers to granddads and grandmoms.
Today's youth is discovering the music of these legends through the collections of parents and grandparents, and the remastering of classic disks with modern technology.
The music has never sounded better, especially when an original master tape is used for the remastering process or studio wizards such as Steve Hoffman are at the controls.
This multi-generational love affair also stems from the fact these bands influenced the vast majority of every group that followed.
The Clash released the first "world music" album before the term truly existed when Sandinista! hit store shelves in 1980.
And there's another bonus for those who decide to catch one of these legends while they're still viable.
Their concert sound is tighter today than it ever was because the vast majority of them are clean and sober.
Even the Eagles' Joe Walsh now knows when he's in Australia, which is more than he can say for his first few visits to the continent.
Everyone, from music aficionados to casual listener, should make the effort to peer through this musical window before the blinds close forever.
And oh the coincidence for Kivalliqmiut wondering where to start, with Black Sabbath hitting The Peg on April 16.
Don't be paranoid about going into the void during this age of reason to enjoy the shining of a heavy-metal legend.
There'll be plenty your own age there just for the thrill of it all!
An important message NWT News/North - Monday, February 3, 2014
Many media outlets across Canada have blasted Neil Young for his recent treaties tour. Most, if not all, of the attacks are baseless and have only one goal -- to detract from the celebrity's real message.
Young is using his influence to help strengthen the voice of aboriginal people whose treaties - which have been recognized and upheld by federal courts -- have been ignored by industry and government.
There is no denying industry and government support of industry have been trampling the rights of aboriginal people across the nation.
The purpose of the tour was not anti-development or climate change awareness. He is supporting aboriginal people's rightful claim to land that is being taken from them for uses to which they are opposed.
While the Northern territories are working to ensure those rights are protected through benefit agreements, land claims and consultation between industry and communities, we still have a long way to go.
The recent decision by the Yukon government to ignore recommendations from the Peel Watershed Working Group - comprised of both NWT and Yukon aboriginal groups - and open most of the environmentally and traditionally sensitive area to development is evidence of that.
The federal government's devolution bill, which includes changes to the Mackenzie Valley Resources Management Act to create a single review board, is also a direct attack on treaty land rights. Until all the territory's land claims are settled and each of those settlements includes surface and subsurface rights, it is vital the territory retain a strong voice in every region when dealing with proposed developments.
NWT aboriginal groups have emphatically stated that the review process is not broken and are mostly supportive of the current process - more than enough reason to leave it be.
Norman Snowshoe, vice-president of the Gwich'in Tribal Council, in response to the Yukon's modified Peel Watershed plan, hit the nail on the head. Continuing to disregard the land claims process and the land rights of aboriginal people will not create the developer confidence territorial, provincial and federal governments are seeking.
In the end, these tactics will foster a confrontational relationship whereby, Snowshoe suggests, aboriginal groups will be forced to take legal action to ensure their interests are heard. There is nothing like a lengthy court battle to create a quagmire of potential development. Simply the suggestion of such opposition might be enough to scare off potential developers and stagnate an economy - the exact opposite of what our misguided governments are trying to accomplish.
For the most part, aboriginal groups are not anti-development. They are, however, more mindful of environmental impacts and have a much better sense of balance and sustainability when considering the types and placement of development on their land compared to their political counterparts at virtually every other level of government.
Failures to protect the environment by industry and government, proven by Alberta's Obed Coal mine spill, which sent a plume of contaminated water all the way to the NWT and the concern of a similar spill from oil sands projects, which would destroy the watershed stretching for hundreds of miles, demonstrate the need for a more sustainable and co-operative approach to land use.
While touring with Young, Dene National Chief Bill Erasmus reiterated that courts have upheld the fact that aboriginal land rights were never given away with the treaty agreements nor legislated away through the Indian Act.
Those court rulings give aboriginal groups solid legal ground to stand on if they choose to fight development they believe will not be in their best interest, whether that be financially, environmentally or culturally.
Ottawa seems intent on pushing blindly forward with development aimed at exploitation of resources. In the process the federal government is exploiting the people who should have the final say.
If it chooses to continue on this path of non-co-operation and disrespect, the environment it will create might become unpalatable for any developer to consider working with.
More muscle, less fat Nunavut News/North - Monday, February 3, 2014
A recent cash injection for long-term sports development has considerable potential for adding muscle to Nunavut's sports programs, but will it?
Fourteen years after the Canadian Sport Policy was unveiled in Iqaluit, the federal and territorial government announced more than $1 million in new money on Jan. 21 to give the program a fresh mandate for the next two years.
What it should mean is that more Nunavummiut will have access to more sports opportunities.
Achieving fitness through frequent exercise is not as easy as it sounds. Many communities lack the necessary facilities or proper equipment. It is so easy for young people in isolated Northern communities to get bored and turn to unhealthy activities as a result.
Getting them involved in sport combats boredom in a healthy, productive way.
Bal Gosal, the federal minister of State for Sport, told Nunavut News/North that parents and children need to know what physical activity really means, emphasizing the need for physical literacy.
"How to do it right and how to gain valuable lessons from it, that is what's important," Gosal said. "It's good for people to get involved in sport and physical activity because that's the core part of it. But the literacy of it, understanding it, is what's so important."
The funding agreement, split 50/50 between the governments of Canada and Nunavut, means the money will be made available to support a wide range of "physical literacy" programs to be delivered by existing territorial sport organizations and municipal recreation departments.
There are two problems with the funding as we see it. The first is the concept of "physical literacy."
Such a term may fly in meeting rooms at conventions in the south which bring academics and recreation directors together, but what does it mean to the kids in Resolute Bay or Kugluktuk?
The second problem is that the money is going to be filtered through the government of Nunavut's own sport and recreation division. Mindful of the layers of bureaucracy involved, not to mention paperwork, we wonder how this money will ever reach into the homes of those children who need it most?
Our hope is that money will be funneled in a large part to the grassroots organizations in the communities, where young people thirst for a chance to practice their abilities, experience competition, learn sportsmanship, develop a good attitude towards others and generally feel good as a result of pushing the body to its limits.
Any child who embraces the opportunity to become involved in sport may well inoculate themselves against suicidal tendencies and the temptation to make unhealthy choices.
And as the child ages, a routine involving physical activity is natural and sustained, a healthy return on a long-term investment.
The challenge now will be to avoid adding this money to that fat of government and instead put more muscle into community sports.
Are the bureaucrats up to that challenge?
Lessons learned Weekend Yellowknifer - Friday, January 31, 2014
An armed standoff is an extended moment of desperation, often lasting hours, with fierce negotiations geared to ensuring everyone comes out safely.
The call transcript and coverage in Yellowknifer from the Karen Lander standoff in March 2012 reveals at least that much. The outcome: officers shooting Lander, who was brandishing an unloaded weapon, while bullets pierced through the walls of an occupied neighbouring home, exposed a lack of preparedness on the RCMP's part.
Fortunately, the force's emergency response unit appears to be shoring up following the tragic incident with Lander, where the Medicine Hat Police Services investigated and made six recommendations to ensure a better response to future standoffs.
While people on the sidelines can hope, and must hope, for the best of all possible outcomes, those in the line of fire, those called to the scene to diffuse the desperate scenario, must strive for it. Anything less increases the chances that tragedy will win the day.
These officers deserve the best training and the best-developed protocols to work with.
RCMP pledged, at the time, to train and equip emergency response teams in the areas identified by the investigators.
During the inquest into Lander's death, a five-person coroner's jury also made recommendations, which we hope were considered seriously by all who received them: the RCMP, Yellowknife Health and Social Services Authority, the GNWT, Stanton Territorial Health Authority, and physicians.
Two recent armed standoffs, one in Behchoko on Jan. 17 and one in Dettah Jan. 1, resulted in different aftermaths than the Lander tragedy. Insp. Frank Gallagher reported "we did move the neighbours in the immediate area."
Houses and schools were evacuated to ensure no one was caught in the path of stray bullets.
In fact, Gallagher said "there were no shots fired."
Also, to help with negotiations at the latest incident, a mental health specialist and Behchoko Chief Clifford Daniels were called to the scene to help.
As Staff Sgt. Brent Secondiak of the Medicine Hat police noted during the inquest, there are lessons to be taken from the incident and he hoped Yellowknife RCMP would learn from that day. "There is always things you can learn," he said.
There is no way to ensure a horrifying standoff will not ever end as Lander's did. However, the fact that the officers, and everyone involved, are using every tool available, including new ones based in each new experience, reduces the risk of a bloody, nightmarish aftermath.
Parental involvement key to strong schools Weekend Yellowknifer -Friday, January 31, 2014
The call went out earlier this week to get more parents involved in the parent advisory council (PAC) at Mildred Hall School.
Blake Lyons, who sits on the board of trustees with Yellowknife Education District No. 1 and is the trustee representative for the PAC, said he would like to see the size of the group double. While the three parents in the PAC work tirelessly, more are needed - and the group is struggling to fill its ranks.
The same problem is being faced by PACs at William McDonald and Sir John Franklin.
Parents need to care about their children's education and that means getting involved in their schooling. PACs with Yk1 have accomplished great things that have benefited students tremendously, including raising money for school trips and new playground equipment, organizing school dances and designing new playgrounds. Parental involvement is positive for not only the parents' individual children, but for the school as a whole.
It would be a safe assumption to say that most parents care greatly about their children's schooling.
If parents don't get involved, this leaves the education of the city's youth solely in the hands of the schools.
And if the parents are unhappy with the results of their children's education, they only have themselves to blame for not getting involved in the first place.
The wisdom of elders Editorial Comment by Roxanna Thompson Deh Cho Drum - Thursday, January 30, 2013
It's encouraging to see some elders want to take a more active role in the Deh Cho.
During an elders meeting held recently at the Dehcho First Nations' (DFN) office in Fort Simpson, elders representing all the member First Nations and Metis councils expressed their interest in reviving an elders council. DFN used to have one, but it hasn't been active in a number of years.
Elders have a lot to offer the communities and leadership in the region. The older elders, particularly, are an important link to the history of the Dene and Metis people in the Deh Cho.
Many of these elders remember what it was like to grow up on the land and be self-sufficient and to only speak the Dene language at home. They not only remember their own experiences, but also those of their parents and older relatives who followed even more traditional lifestyles.
Elders are important keepers of knowledge about what it means to be Deh Cho Dene and where the people have come from. Many also have a long-range view about the future of the region.
When they speak at DFN's assemblies and leadership meetings elders not only bring a historical context, but also speak about the importance of preserving things like the land and the water for future generations. They don't just mean their children, but also their grandchildren and generations yet to come.
Having lived through changes and seen what has already been lost they are better able to talk about what it is important to save.
Elders at the recent meeting also expressed an interest in connecting more with the youth in the region. They had ideas about being part of a youth conference and holding an elders and youth gathering before DFN's annual assembly this
It seems many elders aren't content with just keeping their knowledge to themselves, rather they want to share it with younger generations before it is lost. With each elder that dies a lot of knowledge and experience is lost. Much has been recorded, but it is not the same as being able to sit down and speak with the person who lived it.
Hopefully, Deh Cho elders will be successful in establishing a new elders group or council and will be able to use that organization to further their goals. The Deh Cho has a lot to learn from its elders and should gratefully accept whatever knowledge and assistance they are willing to offer.
A class act recognized Editorial Comment by Shawn Giilck Inuvik Drum - Thursday, January 30, 2013
Like most people, I'm anticipating the Winter Olympics with more than a bit of enthusiasm.
I was very interested to see who would be named as the flag bearer, and I think the selection committee got it right with their choice of Hayley Wickenheiser, although in some ways I think it was for the wrong reasons.
Wickenheiser has been a class act throughout her long and storied career. From being a trailblazer for a woman playing in a man's league to being designated the "Wayne Gretzky of women's hockey," she's been nothing but good for the sport.
While many people know Wickenheiser primarily for her athletic prowess, her contributions to charity can't be overlooked either. In most ways, her public persona and reputation are everything you'd want in such a Canadian celebrity.
She's still a formidable force in what some are calling the twilight of her career as she gears up for another chance at a gold medal.
My only question is why it took so long to give her the recognition she deserves as one of the greatest ambassadors of Canadian sport the country has ever seen.
This is likely to be her last Olympic Games. Her selection now smacks a little of the sporting equivalent of giving her a gold watch as she sails into retirement.
That's my grumble about Wickenheiser being chosen as flag bearer. It's almost as if the Olympics bosses cast their eyes around and said "who have we forgotten about that we should select as flag bearer to make the public feel warm and fuzzy ... and that they can't really argue about."
Wickenheiser fits that bill to perfection.
I don't question her selection, I simply wonder at the timing and what it says to our athletes heading over to Russia to compete. Do we want to tell them we'll honour our athletes in the prime of their careers by being chosen flag bearer, or do we want to play the safe and politically-correct card?
By my reckoning, Wickenheiser should have been chosen as the flag bearer long ago for her impeccable credentials and other success.
There was a move and petition afoot to have alpine skier Larisa Yurkiw selected as flag bearer. There's a good argument behind that move. Following an injury that tore her knee apart in 2009, Yurkiw was unceremoniously dumped by the national ski team as training for the Olympics began in 2013.
She raised $150,000 to pay for her training and travel, and still qualified for the Olympics with an amazingly successful year.
There's an argument to be made that she's the kind of inspiring athlete we should recognize when it comes to selecting a flag bearer, and I would find it hard to disagree.
There's nothing wrong with the choice of Wickenheiser to lead our athletes into Olympic glory. It simply is a choice that should have come sooner, and takes the safe and conservative path, the very kind that I think we don't want our athletes to follow.