Student wins $10,000 for charity
Alberta country-singer Tenille Nadkrynechny drew student's name during 'Play It Forward' tour
Candace Thomson
Northern News Services
Published Friday, December 20, 2013
Lauren Seabrook, a Grade 8 student at William McDonald School, has wanted to change the world for years, and last weekend she won $10,000 to put toward that dream.
William McDonald Grade 8 student Lauren Seabrook, left, is given a check for $10,000 by Alberta country-singer Tenille during her Play It Forward tour's final show in Grand Prairie, Alta., on Dec. 14. Seabrook will use the money for charities and school programs. - photo courtesy of Jeff and Lauren Seabrook |
On a trip sponsored by Canadian North, Seabrook was flown to Grand Prairie, Alta., on Dec. 14 to watch the wrap-up concert of Alberta country songstress Tenille's Play It Forward tour. During the tour the singer travelled to 106 schools and performed for more than 35,000 students.
In September, she visited William McDonald, and during that visit Seabrook and three other students were chosen as leaders and given $75.
"I've always thought there's a spark in somebody to change the world and I wanted to help do that, so I've just been raising money to help organizations, volunteering in my community and trying to help some person or pet have a better life," Seabrook said.
There were 309 leaders chosen nationally and Seabrook's name was pulled in a draw of those names to win the prize.
"I was chosen as a school leader (in September) and got 75 bucks and thought that was great, but then she said there was a grand prize and I thought that would be amazing. That's what I really wanted, but I thought it's probably not gonna happen," Seabrook said.
"It was the best day of my life."
Out of the $10,000, Seabrook was able to allocate half to charities of her choice and the other half to school programs. For the charities, she split the money between the NWT SPCA, the Ronald McDonald House of Northern Alberta and Sleeping Children Around the World (SCAW).
"They are all causes I'm passionate about and have a personal connection to," Seabrook said. "I've stayed in the Ronald McDonald House, I love animals and I chose SCAW because I've been raising lots of money for that since Grade 6 ... almost $3,000."
Her grandmother in Ontario, Carol Rolph, has a large role in SCAW, joining a group of other volunteers who pay for their own travel to deliver bed kits to children in impoverished countries. Seabrook said one of her hopes for the future is to accompany her grandmother on one of those trips.
"That's what I really want to do. My grandma is one of my inspirations ... she's making a difference in people's lives," she said.
As for the school program, Seabrook is offering $5,000 to help hire Me to We public speaker Spencer West to visit Yellowknife, something she's hoping to convince Mayor Mark Heyck and the community at large to help her with.
"Yellowknife is such a giving community and (West) has a Play It Forward spirit," she said. "If he tells his story it'll inspire others to conquer anything because he has a positive influence on people."
On her website, Tenille congratulated Seabrook and spoke of her influence on the people around her.
"We are so proud of Lauren's incredible efforts - what an ambassador of what play it forward means. The work that she does in her community and beyond is inspiring and we hope this serves as a boost to help further her dreams to reach out to people and make a difference."