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Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Santa skate
A free skate session will be held tonight. The annual Santa Skate runs from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Shorty Brown arena in the Multiplex.
The City of Yellowknife and the WIMPS (Weekly Improvement for Mediocre Players) organization are putting on this year's event. In addition to the skate, there will be crafts in the lobby of the Multiplex, and of course the man himself, Santa, will be there.
- Daniel Campbell
Walk to Tuk registration
Team registration for the annual Walk to Tuk event is open.
Teams will work to collectively walk the distance from Fort Providence to Tuktoyaktuk from Jan. 5 to March 3 - a total of 1,658 km. Every hour of walking per person equals five km for a team of 10 or less, or four km for a team of 11 to 20 participants.
Registration is online at nwtrpa.org. The registration deadline is Jan. 17.
- Candace Thomson
New service directory
The GNWT has introduced a new service directory on its main website that it hopes will make it easier for businesses and residents to find government services. It includes information on more than 375 territorial government services.
- Candace Thomson
Sir John streaming Christmas assembly
Sir John Franklin High School will be once again streaming one of its big events online.
The Christmas assembly will be available for relatives and friends to view via a link found on the high school's website. Academic and athletic award winners from last year's graduating class will be honoured, and there will be plenty singing and music.
The assembly starts on Friday at 10:50 a.m.
- Candace Thomson
Free dumping days
The City of Yellowknife is offering a belated Christmas gift to those with a little extra holiday waste on their hands.
On Dec. 27 and 28, the $9 residential tipping fee at the city's solid waste facility will be waived. All other fees will still apply those days.
The facility will be open its normal winter hours for the two days, from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
- Daniel Campbell
Students embrace science
Rankin Inlet
Students at Maani Ulujuk Ilinniarvik (MUI) in Rankin Inlet held their annual science fair this past week.
The top award winners at the MUI fair will receive the chance to compete in the annual Kivalliq Science Fair in 2014, in hopes of earning a trip to the Canada-Wide Science later in the year.
Final results of the MUI Science fair were not known as of press time.
Please see the Dec. 31 edition of Kivalliq News for the full story on the event.
AWG bound
Listed below are both the Kivalliq female and male athletes who were selected earlier this month for the Team Nunavut wrestling squad that will compete at the 2014 Alaskan Arctic Winter Games.
- Shelby Analik, Arviat
- Kesha Karetak, Arviat
- Jillian Kaviok, Arviat
- Johnny Kaviok, Arviat
- Johnny Misheralak, Rankin Inlet
- Tommy Tugak, Rankin Inlet
Volleyball dates announced
Rankin Inlet
The official dates for the annual Laura Gauthier Memorial (LGM) volleyball tournament were announced in Rankin Inlet this past week.
Rankin will host the 2014 LGM, which features top action in both male and female divisions, from May 30 to June 1.
Staking a claim
Federal Environment Minister and Nunavut MP Leona Aglukkaq accompanied Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird in making public Canada's intention to claim all the way to the geographic North Pole this past week in Ottawa.
More work on the science around Canada's Arctic seabed claim still must be undertaken before its official claim can be made to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf.
For an interview with Aglukkaq on Canada's claim, please see the Dec. 31 edition of Kivalliq News.
Going young
Chesterfield Inlet/Coral Harbour
At least two Kivalliq communities decided young blood was needed on their hamlet councils during the Dec. 9 municipal elections.
Chesterfield Inlet voters elected Scott Sammurtok, 18, to hamlet council, while Coral Harbour elected 29-year-old Simeon Dion as its new mayor.
Elder's breakfast
Rankin Inlet
Elders in Rankin Inlet are reminded the annual Elder's Breakfast will be held tomorrow, Dec. 19, in Rankin.
The event gets underway at 9 a.m. at Maani Ulujuk Ilinniarvik.