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200 runners at meet Deh Cho participants trek in cold and rain
Jeanne Gagnon
Northern News Services
Published Thursday, October 3, 2013
The cold and the rain did not dampen the spirits of about 200 runners who participated in a cross-country competition in Fort Providence on Sept. 27.
The event attracted participants ranging in age from five to adults from Fort Providence, Fort Smith, Hay River, Hay River Reserve, Fort Resolution, Behchoko and Yellowknife. Fort Simpson's team was unable to make it.
The participants ran anywhere from one kilometre to eight kilometres depending on their division, said Greg Reardon, a teacher at Deh Gah School in Fort Providence, who co-ordinated the event. Runners were divided by age and gender.
"It went well," said Reardon, who also co-ordinated the event in 2004 and 2008. "It was kind of a cold and rainy day, but it didn't dampen spirits of the runners. They all worked really hard and it got really muddy. They enjoyed the trails. They are true cross-country trails."
Some people were there purely to have fun, he added, while others took it more seriously.
Eight-year-old Neizha Walker participated in the peewee girls division, running two kilometres in 12 minutes and six seconds. It was her first time participating.
"It was OK, but it was hard," she said. "It rained and it was slippery."
Walker said she likes cross country because it's about running.